Friday, November 19, 2010

A Yearn to Return to the Garden

Esther 8-10
Lesson 4
"A Yearn to Return to the Garden"

What is it about a fairytale that draws us into the story? Just this week, Prince William and Kate Middleton announced their upcoming royal wedding, and already we are "tuned in" to every detail. Is it because within our utmost being we long for the perfect life where we all live happily and contently ever after? I believe God has put a longing in our soul for Him, our perfect bridegroom, manifested in Jesus, our Lord. If we are not careful, we will go through life trying to fill this void with all sorts of things: relationships, position, money, things, children, etc. Our soul yearns for the perfect life with perfect relationships with perfect conditions. We long for our return to the Garden of Eden!

In the saga of the story of Esther, we find Haman, the Agagite, doing just that - he tries to get satisfaction from all the things of the world, yet he says, "Yet all this does not satisfy me every time I see Mordecai, the Jew, sitting at the King's gate." (Esther 5:13) Remember our title for Esther chapter seven - Haman's Hatred Had Him Hung! Let's dig a little deeper into this hatred of Haman's. In our homework, we looked back at the volatile history between the Jews and the Agagites, or Amalekites, This hatred started long ago, and God had told them to utterly destroy them and their possessions. (Ex 17) But what is the underlying source of their hatred toward the Jews? If we can discover its utmost origin, we might better understand the hatred of many of the Jews, and even of Christians as well.

To help us with this discovery, let's look back at the original sin and fall of man in the garden. We know that Adam and Eve were told of only one tree they could not eat - The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. We also know that they could eat from every other tree in the garden, and hence, their need for food was met leaving hunger as no excuse for their disobedience. So, why did they take it? I propose that they believed the lie of Satan, and then focused on the god of self, and pushed Elohim, the One True God, off the throne of their heart, and let "SELF" step up on the throne. What is sin? Sin is where the one created to bow before and serve the Creator God on His throne, rises up and demands his own selfish desires, and then realizes he is a usurper of a stolen throne. So, our answer to the source of Haman's hatred and ultimately all sin is.... the god of self.

We need to see that in our chasing of the fairytale, it is actually a yearn to return to the perfect Garden of Eden. Nothing is this world can satisfy our souls like a relationship with our Father, and our Savior, and His Holy Spirit within us. Kay's tape approached this idea in a different way with different terminology; she compared Israel's Feast of Purim celebration of REST from their enemies to our future hope of REST from our enemies. This will occur when our heavenly bridegroom returns to this earth and places all enemies in subjection to Him. There will be PEACE, and in a sense, we will have finally returned to the Garden. We, His bride, will truly get the fairytale our soul has longed for since Genesis chapter three.

So, please know and understand this - hate's ultimate root is the sin of self on a stolen throne. Haman was the "god" of his life, and when Mordecai would not bow to him, his rage was birthed because the god of his life was not being worshipped. What a burden, trying to be god of your life. Who wants that job? Yet, that is exactly what we do when we push God out of the center of our lies, and tell Him to move over, we're driving.

So today, maybe you are absolutely exhausted - you need REST! You have been in charge of your life long enough. Dear one, in your search for the fairytale, have you told the Prince and King that came to rescue you, you don't need Him? Oh, return to Him, and let Him sweep you up into His arms and carry you through this world of trouble. And then, one day, we will all look up and see our Lord Jesus coming for us, dressed in His royal white robe, on His white horse, ready to carry us home to live with Him forever and ever. No more tears, no more trouble, no more death, no more cancer, no more wars, just PEACE! Peace in the Garden once again! I yearn to return - do you?

7Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready.
8And to her was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and white: for the fine linen is the righteousness of saints.
9And he saith unto me, Write, Blessed are they which are called unto the marriage supper of the Lamb. And he saith unto me, These are the true sayings of God.
10And I fell at his feet to worship him. And he said unto me, See thou do it not: I am thy fellowservant, and of thy brethren that have the testimony of Jesus: worship God: for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.
11And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war.
12His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on his head were many crowns; and he had a name written, that no man knew, but he himself.
13And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and his name is called The Word of God.
14And the armies which were in heaven followed him upon white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and clean.
15And out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it he should smite the nations: and he shall rule them with a rod of iron: and he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God.
16And he hath on his vesture and on his thigh a name written, KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS. Rev. 19:7-16

Rapha and Yada, Yada, Yada Him,
Be still and know that I am God, Ps 46:10

Here is part of the poem I wrote about the events of Esther:
This is just the last two chapters, it is too long to put it all:

Portions of "For Such a Time as This"
Written by Sheila Breazeale following study of Esther November 2010

Ch 9

For the dread of the Jews
had befallen all the people.
No one could stand before them
As Mordecai became greater and greater.

Thus the Jews struck down hundreds
of those that hated them.
Even Haman's ten sons were killed
then impaled on the gallows, all ten of them

Then Queen Esther asked the King
"If it please thee once again
let the edict be extended one more day
for the Jews to defend."

Now the rest of the Jews in the provinces
killed 75,000 of those that hated them
yet they never took the plunder
that the edict had allowed for them.

Therefore to this day
the Jews celebrate deliverance
on the 14th and 15th of Adar
it's to be an annual occurrence.

The Feast of Purim, how ironic,
for Pur was cast against them
yet, now it is celebrated with gifts and gladness
the lot had not destroyed them.

Queen Esther and Mordecai recorded this custom
it was written in the book
two days of celebration
preceded by fasting of which they all partook.

Ch 10

King Ahasuerus laid a tribute
throughout the entire land
He advanced Mordecai as prime minister
for all the Jews were Mordecai's fans

All the greatness of Mordecai
can be found written in the books
how he sought the good of the people
he saved a nation that had been forsook.


So here lies a story
where God seems not to be found
But if you look closely, He's there in the shadows
as favor and grace abound.

So when it seems He's missing
from your life as well.
remember God is sovereign over His children,
and His love and favor never fail.

Friday, November 12, 2010

When God Only Lets You See His Back

Esther 4-7
Lesson 3
"When God Only Lets You See His Back"

Do you ever feel like God is simply just not there? You simply cannot see Him in the everyday happenings and events of your life? Dear one, the book of Esther is for you. Though God's name is not found in any shape or form, He is within every line of the text. It is so important for us to know the attributes of our God and understand that even when we cannot see His face, we can catch a glimpse of His back, as He works His will within our lives.

Our video today by David Arthur, helped us to step back and look at the sovereignty of God in three areas of Esther.

1) God is sovereign over the timing of the events of this narrative. David showed us event after event and how each one was like a domino to the next, causing God's ultimate purpose to unfold. Though through our human eyes, we would discern God as being late or absent in the story. Even the delay of Mordecai's reward in chapter two, ultimately glorified God and His story. Do you ever feel forgotten for some great work you did? Remember Joseph in the prison? He interpreted the dreams of both the baker and the cupbearer, but he would not be remembered nor rewarded for years. It was to be in God's timing and for His purposes to save the nation of Israel.

2) God is sovereign over the minds and hearts of mankind. We saw repeated words like, favor, kindness, grace, mercy, best, and beautiful. All words used in Esther to describe favor from one man or woman to another man or woman. We know God stirred the heart of King Cyrus to let Israel return home in 536BC. God also stirred the hearts of the people to return home and rebuild the temple, and He stirred the heart of Nehemiah to rebuild the wall. God is sovereign over even pagan king's hearts, and He turns it like a ship's rudder to do His Will. It says in Proverbs 21:1 "The king's heart is like channels of water in the hands of God; He turns it wherever He wishes." So, do you have some issue with another person, and you somehow believe that God has no control over it because this person is an unbeliever? Oh dear one, He has them and the situation in His hands. Pray specifically like Nehemiah did to give you success and compassion before this man.

3) God is sovereign over exalting and humbling men. God took one of the most powerful kings of the world, King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon, and caused him to eat grass like a cow and have dreams of the future. It says in Daniel 4:32, "You will be given grass to eat like cattle, and seven periods of time will pass over you until you recognize that the Most High is ruler over the realm of mankind and bestows it on whomever He wishes." Until he did what? Recognized that there is a God in heaven, and that He is the Most High God. Did God humble the proud Haman? Oh yes, irony played out as He escorted Mordecai through the city like a king, and as He was hung on the very gallows he had built for Mordecai. Pride leads us to all sorts of sins. In Haman's case, it caused him to HATE Mordecai for not bowing, not standing, not trembling before him. Haman's Hatred Had Him Hung!

So, in your life story, when it seems that God is not written within the pages of your life, step back and know that He is sovereign over the timing of all the events in your life, He is sovereign over the hearts of all men, and He is sovereign over both exalting and humbling both us and others. There is an old song that says, "When you can't trace His hand, trust His heart.." So today, "Be still (rapha, relax your hands, let go), and know (yada, to know Him by experience), that He is God!" Ps 46:10 He's in the everyday events of your life, even when He only lets you see His back!

Rapha and Yada, Yada, Yada Him,


Friday, October 29, 2010

For Such a Time as This

Esther 3-4
Lesson 2
"For Such a Time as This!"

"When the enemy plots your demise, the King is planning your reward,"
from Tommy Tenney's
12 Protocols of the Palace.

Israel's future is at stake, hanging in the balance; how will they survive another enemy that wants them ALL wiped out, driven into the sea? With God's sovereign hand, that's how! He is sovereign over kings and kingdoms; "The King's heart is like channels of water in the hand of the Lord; He turns it wherever He wishes." Pr. 21:1 Have you noticed in Scripture how God always fulfills His purposes through the most unlikely characters? A meek shepherd boy became king, a harlot is in the bloodline of Christ, a Moabite woman leaves her homeland and returns with her mother-in-law and marries into the lineage of the Messiah, a Jewish baby placed in a basket floats to a maiden in the palace of Egypt where he would be prepared to deliver his people, a simple young girl and young man engaged to be married, would have their fairy-tale interrupted so that she would give birth to the King of Kings! Get the picture? God's ways are not our ways. Esther is a rich "fairy-tale like" story buried in the heart of the Old Testament, where a simple Jewish girl is given access to the throne room of the greatest kingdom on earth. Only our Great God can do that!

If this were a drama on today's television, the cliffhanger from today's episode would be, "Will Esther risk her life and go into the King, interceding on behalf of her people?" Tune in next week! What about that life in the palace? We learned today using a timeline that Esther has now been in the palace for five years before the events of Esther chapter three occur. Life is going great; lots of pretty things, parties, and oh, the decor. She is in "high cotton" as we say in the south. Isn't that the way life is at times, just when you think all is well, then it happens - something hits your life and rocks your little palace, and you come to a crisis of belief. What will you do? Will you bow to the "Haman's" of this world? Or will stand in your faith and refuse to pay homage to the enemy? Mordecai had fear, but not of man; he feared his God and rested in the deliverance that he knew God would deliver.

Then there is Esther, sending Mordecai the messages to change his clothes, stop his mourning; what is wrong with you? Mordecai sends her a message of what has happened and how the edict has been sent to kill all of the Jews, and that she must intercede on their behalf. I can so relate to Esther, I would have done the same thing, quoting rules and laws, excusing my way out of the conflict. - did we not all see what happened to Queen Vashti? And then comes the infamous lines from Mordecai to Esther, "And who knows whether you have attained royalty for such a time as this?"

What have you attained for such a time as this? What sphere of influence do you have? Will you go in, count the cost, deny yourself, and lay down your life for someone else or something you believe in? Kay's tape today began with her posing to us two questions:

1. What am I living for? For what reason do I live the way I live? (For such a time as this)
2. What would I lay down my life for? (If I perish, I perish)

Esther became more than just a pretty face; somewhere between message two and message three from Mordecai, she rolled up her pretty little sleeves and changed from a meek girl taking commands from Mordecai to a strong woman instructing him to have the people fast for three days. Then she said, "And thus I will go in to the king, which is not according to the law; and if I perish, I perish." Somehow, Esther was able to step back and look at this moment in her life as God's calling for such a time as this.

God has a purpose for you as well, dear one. Everything we do should doxa, or glorify Him and testify to the world that truly God hath sent His Son. When we use our gifting, in our sphere of influence, we are "Esther's" in our own little world. Kay gave us four points that support this truth:

The Reason I Live...
1. The reason I live is to bring God pleasure. (John 10:17, 2 Cor. 5:9)
2. I live knowing that God is going to bring His kingdom on earth. (John 4:34, 5:30, 6:38-39)
3. The reason I live is to bring Him glory. (John 17:4)
4. The reason I live to His glory is because there is a reward. (Rev. 22:12)

What will you do when an old enemy comes knocking on your palace door? Will you pack your bags and run? Will you make up excuses and compromise? Will you go in to the throne room and risk your life? These are not easy questions for any of us, but they are questions we need to think about, for who knows, perhaps we are studying Esther so that we will be equipped "For such a time as this!"

Laboring with you and through Him,

Phil 1:6

"For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus."

Sunday, October 24, 2010

The Power of One Encounter

Esther 1-2
Lesson 1
"The Power of One Encounter!"

Oh, what a story! A simple peasant Jewish girl, taken from her home, put within a palace, groomed for her one encounter before the king. We tend to look at this almost from a fairytale perspective, but if we are not careful, we will miss God within the pages of the story. I have often wished I could travel back in time and observe history as it unfolds. We need to put ourselves in Esther "high heels" and really think about what she might tell us about her "bath and body works" experience. Would she tell us how she felt God's favor in all of this? I can only speak from my viewpoint, but I do not believe we would find her jumping for joy in this circumstance. We need to remember, they were still captives in a foreign land; the Persians were still ruling a vast empire. Esther was taken from the only family she had; there was no carriage with horsemen nor any glass slippers to try on! Yet, as we step back and view this vignette as it fits into God's huge story, we can see God's favor, favor, favor! God's hesed - His lovingkindness, mercy, benefit, favor - just because He chooses to, not because He is obligated to!

This lesson so impacted me that I could not go to sleep Wednesday night, and then God awakened me at 4:30am. I know what you are thinking, that's not God, that's hormones! Oh no, dear one, I know the difference. I could not get this Hebrew word, hesed, off my mine. Remember, as we studied Nehemiah, how we saw God stir hearts and minds to do His will? I told you about Old man Hankins, and how I saw God's stirring of his heart, and how it impacted my life, receiving a full paid scholarship to attend Louisiana College. As God spoke to me in the early morning hours, I sensed His revealing more to my encounter with Mr Hankins. Years ago, as I sat in Mr. Hankins living room, God not only stirred Mr. Hankins heart to give, but I received God's hesed - His favor, His mercy, His grace, His lovingkindness. I asked Him, 'Lord, why would you do such a thing for a little girl from nowhere - without even a zipcode? He spoke and still speaks as I write this, "Because I can, because I choose to!" I can't even type this without tears of joy running down my face, as I reflect back at the power of one encounter.

Oh, dear one, don't you see it? Even in exile, even in captivity, even in a pit, even in a trial, even in "Podunkville," even in our utmost horrid circumstances, WE CAN RECEIVE HIS FAVOR! When you think about it, are we not all exiles? We were brought out of captivity when Jesus saved us, but we are still aliens on this earth? It says in Heb. 11:13, "All these people were still living by faith when they died. They did not receive the things promised; they only saw them and welcomed them from a distance. And they admitted that they were aliens and strangers on earth" If this is true, and were are simply sojourners in this world, what are we to be doing? It tells us in Jeremiah 29:1-11:

A Letter to the Exiles

1 This is the text of the letter that the prophet Jeremiah sent from Jerusalem to the surviving elders among the exiles and to the priests, the prophets and all the other people Nebuchadnezzar had carried into exile from Jerusalem to Babylon. 2 (This was after King Jehoiachin and the queen mother, the court officials and the leaders of Judah and Jerusalem, the craftsmen and the artisans had gone into exile from Jerusalem.) 3 He entrusted the letter to Elasah son of Shaphan and to Gemariah son of Hilkiah, whom Zedekiah king of Judah sent to King Nebuchadnezzar in Babylon. It said:
4 This is what the LORD Almighty, the God of Israel, says to all those I carried into exile from Jerusalem to Babylon: 5 "Build houses and settle down; plant gardens and eat what they produce. 6 Marry and have sons and daughters; find wives for your sons and give your daughters in marriage, so that they too may have sons and daughters. Increase in number there; do not decrease. 7 Also, seek the peace and prosperity of the city to which I have carried you into exile. Pray to the LORD for it, because if it prospers, you too will prosper." 8 Yes, this is what the LORD Almighty, the God of Israel, says: "Do not let the prophets and diviners among you deceive you. Do not listen to the dreams you encourage them to have. 9 They are prophesying lies to you in my name. I have not sent them," declares the LORD.
10 This is what the LORD says: "When seventy years are completed for Babylon, I will come to you and fulfill my gracious promise to bring you back to this place. 11 For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

In a nutshell - Pray for your country and government, submit to the authority that God has placed you under, get married, have children, LIVE LIFE! And as you do that, never underestimate the power of one encounter. Be prepared and know that favor happens when preparation meets opportunity. God is large and in charge, but you have to do your part. He has plans for you, plans for your future. He stirs the heart and He gives the favor, but you have to go to the interview to receive the scholarship!

All powerful, all knowing Elohim, thank you for Your favor, Your hesed on my life! Just because You can - just because You love me! Such knowledge is too wonderful for me; It is too high, I cannot attain to it. Ps. 139:6

Laboring with you and through Him,

Phil 1:6

"For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus."

Friday, October 15, 2010

You're in my Seat!


Nehemiah 11-13
Lesson 5
"You're In My Seat"

Monday, I flew back from Williamsburg, Virginia from Atlanta, and the flight was full. As I was waiting seemingly endlessly to get down the aisle to my seat, I was listening to the conversation behind me. They were talking about a brawl that almost ensued on a flight where two people were assigned the same seat. How can that happen with the computer systems these days, I thought as I made my way toward row 29 seat D? And then, wouldn't you know it, a lady was sitting in 29D, so I made a comment about what her ticket as I sat down in 29C, Keith's seat. She pulled it out and hers also said 29D, so I just sat there waiting for Keith and the flight attendant to clear up the confusion. The lady very firmly stated that she HAD to get to Atlanta, and if anyone was bumped, it would NOT be her! A sweet older lady sitting beside me almost got upset on my behalf, but I told her it would be find that they would get it worked out. Well, the flight attendant took up both our tickets and about ten minutes later, she returned and spoke with the lady and said, "Are you aware that you are on flight #2485, and that you are suppose to be on another flight about an hour later? Shocked and upset, she abruptly got up and grabbed her bags to get off the flight. I mentioned to the flight attendant that the seat behind our row was vacant, but the flight attendant reminded me that FAA rules and post 911 policies are that you cannot be on a flight without your luggage. As I pulled out my Bible Study materials and began to prepare for today's lesson, my mind keep thinking about how the lady was so demanding and upset, but the rules said she could not stay on this flight. Then, I thought of our eternal flight home, and how many will be SHOCKED to find themselves on the wrong flight, without any ticket or luggage that shows they are suppose to be there?

As I was studying for this lesson, I was thinking about Nehemiah wanting to be remembered for good. How do I want to be remembered? Do I want to be known for being good or doing good? Nehemiah, one man, made a difference in a world filled with conflict and opposition. He never draws attention to his own good qualities or his long resume'; he simply wants to be remembered for DOING GOOD! His bags were on the correct flight home to be with His Father, his seat was secure. I had to ask myself some tough questions as I thought of the lady in seat 29D. When was the last time I lead someone to Christ? I thought of this lady's shock as she thought she had the correct ticket, and how she was not allowed to stay on the plane. She was not permitted to take the vacancy because her bags were not on the flight. Oh, dear ones, where have you checked your bags and on what flight? What have you mailed ahead that will last for an eternity? You must fly home to your Father with your bags, and you will stand before the judgment seat of Christ where you will be judge according to your deeds, NOT YOUR SIN! Do you see the difference? We are each given a God given gifting and sphere of influence. We are all Levites and priests, serving, teaching, discipling, and evangelizing a lost world. Our world needs a Savior, and as I mentioned from the video clip from Dr. Landry's message, "Do we hate the lost that much that we have chosen NOT to tell them the "good news?" Do we know the word so well that we have literally become prophets? Yet, Dr. Landry said, "The world does not need a prophet, they need a Savior." We are also gatekeepers and watchman on the wall, as we war in prayer for ourselves and others. Guard those gates!

And so we come to the end of this beautiful story of one man that made a huge difference. What applications - or "so what's" have we learned? Remember, we are not trying to just get "information" but also "transformation!" This letter could not contain the applications from this study, but let me put a few down for you to ponder from today's lesson:

1. Have I stored anything in my temple that is of the world? Have I let an alliance with someone of the world bring junk into my temple - God's dwelling place? THROW IT OUT! Utterly destroy it lest you find it standing in your face talking smack like Goliath did to Israel. All because they did not push them out like God had commanded.

2. Am I tithing to my local church? Does my Pastor have to have a second job because the church fails to support him? Did you notice that Nehemiah kept calling it the contribution or consecrated portion - it is to be set aside as Holy to the Lord. And now we know why Malachi speaks so much about the tithe - he was prophesying during the time of Nehemiah, hence, he adds commentary to the days of Nehemiah.

3. Do I observe a Sabbath rest - a time where I close the gates of my life and rest in Him? Or, perhaps I try to earn God's favor and grace, and in a sense negate the work of the cross. We as believers, are already in our salvation rest the work is done - It is finished. (see Hebrews 4 for scripture support)

4. Do I realize that sin causes captivity? Israel continued for years of breaking God's laws and His heart; He finally had to judge them with 70 years of captivity in a foreign land. Nehemiah was not afraid to contend with sin - even to the point of striking some of them and pulling out their hair! Here is a poem by John Newton that describes so perfectly how we end up in sin. Note the bolded portion that so well describes our fall into Satan's sin trap:

Sin, when viewed by scripture light,
Is a horrid, hateful sight;
But when seen in Satan’s glass,
Then it wears a pleasing face.

When the gospel trumpet sounds,
When I think how grace abounds,
When I feel sweet peace within,
Then I’d rather die than sin.

When the cross I view by faith,
Sin is madness, poison, death;
Tempt me not, ‘tis all in vain,
Sure I ne’er can yield again.

Satan, for awhile debarred,
When he finds me off my guard,
Puts his glass before my eyes,
Quickly other thoughts arise.

What before excited fears,
Rather pleasing now appears;
If a sin, it seems so small,
Or, perhaps, no sin at all.

Often thus, through sin’s deceit,
Grief, and shame, and loss I meet,
Like a fish, my soul mistook,
Saw the bait, but not the hook.

O my Lord, what shall I say?
How can I presume to pray?
Not a word have I to plead,
Sins, like mine, are black indeed!

Made, by past experience, wise,
Let me learn thy word to prize;
Taught by what I’ve felt before,
Let me Satan’s glass abhor.

5. How do you want to be remembered? Have you written up all your accolades, club memberships, offices held, charities, etc for your obituary? What will your epitaph say? Nothing wrong with these things, but we are to be about our Father's business - bringing in the lost sheep, teaching the word, discipling the believers, healing and ministering to the sick, feeding the poor, standing in the gap and being a watchman on the walls in prayer, and rebuilding walls, both spiritual and physical! As Kay says, "There is no retirement in the time of war!"

As we close this book, I look forward to our 52 day celebration on November 4th, 12:00 pm in Calvary Hall. Please be thinking and praying about something you could share that God has taught you through this 52 Day Challenge or the course itself. We will have food, fun , and songs of praise and thanksgiving - just like Nehemiah celebrated. So, come with a shout in your heart and a praise on your tongue as we dedicate the repairs we have made to our gates. Please RSVP so that you can have your "assigned seat" - we don't want anyone to have to "get off the plane!" That's kind of a good analogy for heaven isn't it? Heaven - RSVP required! Send your luggage ahead!

Laboring with you and through Him,

Phil 1:6
"For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus."

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Decked and Ejected

Nehemiah 6-7
Lesson 3
"Decked and Ejected!

How do you respond to opposition? Are you patient and self-controlled when you receive verbal threats or even physical threats? I wish I could say that I have always done the "Nehemiah" thing, but I would not be telling the truth. When I was playing basketball at Louisiana College, one pre-season game, we were scrimmaging a team from Fort Polk Army Base. These gals were tough, and about half way through the game, the girl guarding me preceded to absolutely verbally come at me over and over. I tried to just ignore her, but she became more and more aggressive reaching the point of physically directing "cheap shots" to me. Allow me to define - it is when you punch, poke, or hit the other team when no one else can see it happening. The best time to do this is "away from the ball" while the referees is not focusing on you. She began to pinch and punch me in the abdomen more aggressively as the game progressed. Finally, I had had enough! She hit me in the stomach; I then turned and decked her, and of course a brawl ensued. Needless to say, we were both ejected from the game for fighting. Even though I was not the instigator, this was not the way to handle the situation. I should have reported it to the officials, in other words, I should have taken it to the authority on the court. I'll admit. I got distracted by her attacks, and it resulted in literally taking me out of the game. This is exactly what DID NOT happen to Nehemiah, though he would have been seemingly justified in retaliating against his enemies. Yet, because he was able to trust in his God, the authority over his enemies and the situation, Nehemiah completed the rebuilding of the walls and gates despite the atmosphere of conflict.

Why can't we control our emotions and fears within conflict? It is because we are frightened, and then our human defenses go on attack. A confident warrior, stands on the fear of His God, the only authority he ultimately must answer to. We saw where the word for fear is "yare," which means to give awe. We are NOT to give awe to a mere man.

Stop regarding man, whose breath of life is in his nostrils; For why should he be esteemed? Is 2:22 And it says in Pr. 29:25 Fear of man will prove to be a snare, but whoever trusts in the LORD is kept safe. Does this mean we are NOT going to fear? No! At times, we will be very much afraid just like Nehemiah was, but what we do with that fear is the question? Will we run to out God, our "referee?" Or will we run to a mere man? Will we run to an addiction? Will we run to depression? We have a choice to pray then act accordingly like Nehemiah did, or we can let the flesh lash back without even a glance toward heaven and get ourselves not only kicked out of the game, but also, unable to finish the task that God had called us to do.

David Arthur gave us six key statements about the opposition believers should expect to face in this world:
1) Opposition is personal
2) Opposition is persistent
3) Opposition will use propaganda
4) Opposition will use deception, lies, rationalize the rules(It's ok to take a short cut, the end justifies the means)
5) Opposition can come from within your own people or family (Our most intimate earthly relationships can become a foothold for the enemy - Our relationship to God must come first above all others)

David then listed some key characteristics of Nehemiah and his great leadership abilities:
1) Focused
2) Resilient
3) Determined
4) Disciplined
5) Discerning
6) Devoted
7) Organized

Were these attributes the "secret to his success?" Can we accomplish great feats for God because we have it all together? NO! So did the ENEMY! It's NOT ABOUT US! Nehemiah shows us this over and over as he continually ran to his God in prayer and re-focused the people to who God was and what HE had done for them!

The secret to Nehemiah's success and to ours as well is a life lived at the center of God's will with no compromises! Then, when the enemy seeks over and over to frighten us, to disable us, to distract us, so that we STOP the work, we can stand in faith in who our God is and what He has done for us! I like this definition of faith - "acting on what I know to be true about God." So, with that definition, what is important for my faith to grow stronger? I have to learn who my God is, and the best way to do that is to study His word and watch His people as they have peace, joy, and unity in the mist of trouble and adversity. In other words, they are able to re-build the walls and the gates while the enemy is "pinching" and "hitting" and throwing "cheap shots away from the ball." The difference in my basketball game and life is "my referee" is ALWAYS watching, but I still need to go report it to Him before I open my mouth or lift one finger toward my enemy.

So, before you deck your opponent and get kicked out of the game, go to your God and tell Him what they are doing. Trust Him with all your heart and soul - Faith it! Emunah (Amen) it!

Laboring with you and through Him,

Phil 1:6

"For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus."

Monday, September 27, 2010

If It Ain't Broke, Don't Fix It!

Nehemiah 3-5
Lesson 2
"If it Ain't Broke, Don't Fix It!"

Surely, you have heard the expression, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it," or "Let sleeping dogs lie," or "Never wake a sleeping baby." All say essentially the same thing - leave things that are working alone and concentrate on what really needs attention. A few months ago, I decided to not only clean out clutter from my home, but to also fix and repair anything that was broken in the house. I made a list as I cleaned each room and went to Wal-Mart and Home Depot seemingly hundreds of times. When the repairs were beyond me and Keith, I would make a list for my Dad to complete. After I had written several repairs on the list, he would come to my house for the day taking the items one by one. Of course, my Mother also came along as his "assistant;" they almost entirely built their camp house by themselves, so experience is not lacking on their part, however, I will say it is entertaining watching them do the work.

One of the jobs that should have only taken about 30 minutes, took a complete morning because as it turns out, we were trying to fix what was not broken. As my dad was installing the new fan and light fixture in my bedroom, he finally got to the last detail, putting in the light bulb. We turned on the switch and nothing came on. He took the light kit off again and checked the wiring - nothing. He then took the fan down and checked that wiring - nothing worked. Finally, we called a friend of ours who is an electrician, and he asked a had we checked the breaker switch, and some other details. And then he said, "Are you sure the light bulb works?" Wouldn't you know it, the bulb had been damaged during the installation, and we had wasted all of that time and effort trying to fix what was not broken!

Unlike our experience, Nehemiah was a leader who simply knew how to surmise what needed to be done and when it needed to be done. He exemplified many great leadership attributes as he lead the Israelites in a seemingly overwhelming task - the rebuilding of approximately 4 to 6 miles of stone walls and ten gates along with several towers. My commentary mentioned that there were 42 different areas mentioned that got repairs. Nehemiah's plan was well thought out because he had already prayed for months before he stepped one foot into the rubble and ruins of Jerusalem. This is just one of the many great qualities about him; here is the "C" wordlist again as we step back and look at this incredible leader:

Concerned about the ruins and the people (mourned, wept, fasted, and prayed for four months)
Called on God about the matter
Called on God's Character and Covenant
Confessed his and the nation's sin
Committed to the task (Asked God for success and compassion before the king)
Courageously stood before the King ( his courage was based on who his God was)
Called on God (Prayed as he spoke to the king)
Composed before the king and clearly requested what he needed
Cautiously began (he waited three days after he arrived and then quietly at night surveyed the damaged walls)
Challenged the people (simply told them about what God had done and that how His hand had been upon him)
Conflict refuted with Confidence in who his God was, NOT who he was
Commissioned the work within Cooperation and Community (all worked and worked together - "and next to him")
Commissioned the work within logical locations (started at the sheep gate and worked in front of their own house)
Conflict refuted with Calling on God (told His God about the enemies actions)
Commissioned the guards (set up a guard to protect the builders)
Calmed the people's fears (reminded the people of who their God was)
Credit to God (gave God the glory for frustrating the enemies plans)
Converged the builders, burden carriers, and the guards (all armed, ½ build while ½ guard)
Conveyed an emergency plan (trumpeter blows - all rally to the sound)
Credit to God (our God will fight for us!)
Commissioned shift work and "water break" rules
Confronted the sin of the people(faced the conflict from within and told them to STOP IT!)
Consulted with himself (calmed his anger before he contended with the nobles)
Contended with the nobles and the rulers
Called an assembly AGAINST the people
Conveyed why the usury against their brother was "scripturally" wrong
Called for an oath to be taken and issued a clear warning
Commanded by example (he had not taken pay, not burdened the people, and not gained from other's loss)
Called on God - "Remember me for good, according to all that I have done for this people"

And that's just chapters one through six! There's much more to learn as we continue through this saga.

And now - SO WHAT? Are you going to just sit back and admire all of those "C" qualities, or are you going to meditate on them and seek the Lord about what and how He would have you REBUILD? It has got to move from the page to the pavement! Why? Because conflict will come - your Lord Jesus warned you to expect trouble. So, are you going to face and refute the "ites" of this world like Nehemiah did? You must know and learn who your God is, and that He will fight for you as well. For your God can, "...whistle for the fly that is in the remotest part of the rivers of Egypt and for the bee that is in the land of Assyria." Is. 7:18 If He is sovereign over kings and kingdoms, He is certainly sovereign over your enemy and your circumstance. BUT... you still have to arise and do the work. Look back at the "C' list again and look at what Nehemiah had TO DO!!!! Yet, all the while, he rested on His God's sovereign, powerful, and strong hand!

So, if it ain't broke, don't fix it! But if is - arise and build! (But be sure to check the light bulb first!)

Laboring with you and through Him,

Phil 1:6

"For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus."

P.S. I plan to type of the list that Kay gave on the video when I get a chance. If any of you got the notes down in a good order, I would love to have a copy. Any takers?

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Surviver or Thriver?

Nehemiah 1-2
Lesson 1
"Survivor or Thriver?"

What do you do when the walls of life come crashing down? Do you just try to hold on; are you just getting by? You survived and that's it? There is a big difference in surviving something and thriving despite that something! The remnant of Israel had returned home and they were survivors, but they had not done anything about the rubble around them. Yes, they had rebuilt the temple and had tried once to rebuild the walls, but when opposition came, they stopped doing the work. So, they resided to just live in it. The walls were their defenses, and certainly, though physically destroyed, they were also representative of their destruction spiritually. Many of us simply accept mediocrity and step over and under the rubble of our lives each day. We have become use to it, though it is difficult, it is all we know. What does it take to restore ruins?

Today's lesson is the beginning of the answer to that question. As we look at Nehemiah, the man, and our great and awesome God, let's make a list and see what we can conclude.

Lived in a pagan society - in Susa
High official, trustworthy
A man of prayer
Knew God
Knew His Word, promises
Had a plan based on prayer and God’s Word
Prayed when fearful
Inspected the problem
Called the people to build
Refuted the mockers
Depended on God for success

The Lord
God of heaven
Great and awesome
Preserves covenant, keeps His promises
Hears and answers prayers
Scattered and gathers His people
Redeemed them
Great power
Strong hand
Gives success and compassion

As you look at the chart, let your eyes glean from left to right, as you think through the events of Nehemiah 1-2. We know it says in Pr. 21:1, "The king's heart is like channels of water in the hand of the LORD; He turns it wherever He wishes." We know God stirs the hearts of kings, even the pagan ones, to do His will; BUT we also see in this narrative how Nehemiah was responsible to pray, request, and arise to challenge the people to do the work. Once again, our lesson narrows down to these two truths. Last week, Louie Gigleo also explained these seemingly opposite truths. He placed his fist in the air and said this is you in the world, and Jesus says you will have trouble, but take heart, I have overcome the world. John 16:33. Louie went on to explain the hugeness of our God and His ultimate purposes for us, and that all works together to bring Him glory, and that He is painting on a canvas that is bigger and better than anything we can see or imagine. Both truths absolutely true running side by side. The book of Nehemiah depicts this so beautifully as you walk through the pages and see how you must respond to "distressing news," and on the other hand, trust that God is at all times sovereign and in control of the situation.

Now, for the added "W" to the 5 W's and the H - So what? How does knowing how Nehemiah responded to the news help you? Because we live in a fallen world where there is trouble and conflict (remember, expect it), you can follow the example of Nehemiah as you too get a bad report.

Here is Kay's nine truths you need to know in order to become a "Nehemiah."
1. Be aware of and have knowledge of the conditions of the people.
2. Have a heart that is touched from the situation. Ministries come from mourning (weeping, trials, etc)
3. Confess the transgressions that brought on the situation
4. Believe that God will ever remain to be God during the situation. He is a covenant keeping God.
5. Assess the situation on your knees and face before God.
6. Be a woman or man of God that knows how to handle fear. Take it to your knees and stand on who God is!
7. Be a woman or man of God that knows when to share God's will to others. Nehemiah had already made a plan through prayer, and when given the right time and place, he made his requests known to the king. He did the same thing when he returned to Jerusalem; he waited until he had surveyed the ruins and then he challenged the people.
8. Learn to discern the wiles of others. Listen to the leaning of the Holy Spirit regarding your enemies.(remember to expect them)
9. Know that ONLY God can give success! Nehemiah constantly gave God the credit; he specifically prayed for success before the king, he refuted the enemies with the statement that God would bring them success. He at two different times stated that the good hand of God was upon him.

The power of one is far greater than we stop to consider. Nehemiah, Ezra, Esther, Haggai, and on and on. One person making a difference, leaving a legacy of FAITH! Will you? Have you just survived? What will your children or your grand children remember about you? Do you think they will look up and admire the fact that you survived struggles or that you thrived despite the struggles? Look around your life today? Can you even pass through your gates? Don't settle - arise and re-build, for the good hand of God is upon you!

Laboring with you and through Him,

Phil 1:6

"For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus."

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Hard Hats Required-Christians Under Construction

"Hard Hats Required - Christians Under Construction"

52 days = 7 1/2 weeks = 1,248 hours = 74,880 minutes = 4,492,800 seconds. So, how do you re-build a wall around a city in that seemingly short time? That is what we are about to discover as we embark in the study of Nehemiah.

As we walk through the pages of scripture, may we also walk through the pages of our lives as we too, survey our walls and gates of disrepair. I challenged you today to join me and the rest of the class in a 52 day construction project. Please do not let this seem too overwhelming; wouldn't you think Nehemiah could have also turned away and said, "No way, too much for me to handle or think about!" It really does not matter if you have a goal per gate, but what does matter is that you seek the face of God and let the Holy Spirit reveal to you any area of needs some remodeling, or perhaps even needs removing. What better way to study this amazing piece of Israel's history than to also complete a task that last for 52 days.

Now, let's talk about another number - 104. That is how many of you have registered for this study. I want you to realize that when you grow tired, discouraged and weary, you have 103 others "next to you on the wall" also doing repairs "in front of their house." You can also know that you have a prayer warrior, the one we assigned you today, that will be your watchman on the wall as you do the work. Listen, we can do this together just like Israel did in 445 BC. There is something about community and commonality in purpose that inspires us to "do the work!"

Here is another number, 9-9-10, the date of yesterday's class. After I got home I looked at the Jewish calendar and found that starting sunset 9-8-10 to sunset, 9-9-10, was Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year's Day. It was a day of introspection and examination; how fitting as we go into this 52 day challenge. We will also come across this same festival season in our study, and you will gain much more insight into the relevance of the Feast of Trumpets and its importance to Israel. So, as you do some examining of your walls over the next three days, you are in a sense celebrating the Feast of Trumpets (tabernacles or booths) .

Jane and I realize that the first of any study is always the most challenging. We lose many students because they buy the lies that they can't do the work or don't have the time. Oh dear one, please don't miss this opportunity to work alongside 103 other believers as we all seek to rebuild the gates and walls of our lives. Inductive study, where YOU learn to do the work yourself, is more valuable that we as free Americans realize. Look at the note below from Mary Alice, Precept Bible teacher in Chowchilla California Women's Prison:

Look again for the number 104 - something to think about!

(This prison update comes from one our Precept leaders, Mary Alice, who goes into
Valley State Prison For Women. Chowchilla California -
Population 3,000 plus Largest women's prison in the world)

I received this yesterday, 9-9-10:
More than half my students are new to Precept Inductive Study. The "old-timers" (those who have studied Precept Upon Precept before) lined up to give testimony of what inductive study has meant to them. I must admit, I was beaming from ear to ear to hear how God had used these studies in the lives of these precious women, just like He's using it in my life! It's one thing to set the table, but when you see the hungry come and eat and enjoy the's just delightful!

Class time whizzed by, all 2 hours of it. The women were so excited to study and so thankful. They were blown away by the process of inductive study and how the message was so obvious when you let His word speak to you.

I did explain that if you missed 2 weeks, you would be removed from the class up through lesson 2. After that if you miss 2 weeks, you will be put on the waiting list for the next class. Boy did that cause a stir!!! I reminded them there are 104 women on the waiting list and they WANT to be here. I want to teach those who WANT to be taught.

I overheard the little newcomer on the front row say, "Wow, we're really blessed to be here! I'm not going to miss even when I have my wrist surgery!"

"If you are out due to things beyond your control, you are excused, dear, and it doesn't count against you," I reasoned.

She replied, "Well, I'm just not gonna take any chances to lose my place! I've been tryin' to get in here for 2 years!"

WOW! How humbling as we all get up each Thursday morning without a passing thought of concern of our "place in class." Oh dear friends, may be ever be mindful of the privilege to join corporately together over the most influential book of all times - God's Holy Word. I encourage you to read the instructions in the box above and just allow the Lord to stir your heart over these three days. Then, on Sunday evening, lay your goal sheet before the Lord, and covenant with Him and alongside 103 others to "do the work." Then, get up, put on your "hard hat" and lets become "Christians Under Construction!"

Laboring with you and by the power of the Holy Spirit,

Phil 1:6
"For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus."

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Fall Precept Registration

Nehemiah – 5 weeks –Sheila Breazeale, leader
(Followed by)
Esther – 5 weeks - Sheila Breazeale, leader

Mark your calendar now! --- Thursday, September 9, 2010
9:30 – 11:45 am Calvary Baptist Church—Student Theater
Enter through the Portabella entrance, go past Portabella and take the stairs or elevator to the second floor. Enter double doors on your right.

Course Cost for both workbooks = $ 25.00
(If you wish to only take Nehemiah, please note that at the bottom and send a check for 12.50)

Nehemiah - Rebuilding, Revival and Restoration of the People of God
How do you respond when the enemy tries to interfere with God's clear direction? The enemies of God sought to frighten Nehemiah as he proceeded to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem. Nehemiah shows us leadership and obedience in the face of opposition, as well as God's miraculous blessing and provision. Nehemiah was able to accomplish this great task for God in 52 days!

What needs to be accomplished and rebuilt in your life? Maybe it's only 52 days away!

Questions -- call Sheila Breazeale 442-6667 or Jane Crowell 442-1228
PLEASE!! Fill out this form completely and send with your check
payable to: Calvary Baptist Church (We ask that, if possible, that you pre-pay)
and mail to: Sheila Breazeale: 1004 Windermere Blvd. Alexandria, LA 71303

*Child care is available for a small fee - To reserve, call the church office 445-5640 (ask for Ramona)
---------------------------------------- (cut here) ----------------------------

___ Reserve both workbooks for me. Enclosed is a check to Calvary for $25.00

___ Reserve both workbooks for me. I plan to pay the first day of class.

___ I plan to only do the Nehemiah course, enclosed is my check for $12.50.

___ I plan to only do Nehemiah. I plan to pay the first day of class.

___ I plan to attend, and I already have the workbook(s).

Name ____________________________


Address ____________________________


Monday, August 2, 2010

So What?

Ezra 9-10
Lesson 5a
"So What?"

One summer, I took a few college courses to try to get a some of the general type of classes out of the way. One of those was a general history course with an older professor. I was dreading it because I had never enjoyed history, and I found it to be boring and useless to my everyday or future life. On the first day of class, the professor walked into the room and said, "So what?" He told us a story about one of his history course final exams where his professor walked into the room and up to the board and wrote those two words, "So what?" As he gave us his introduction to the course, he interjected great moments of history and then would say, "So what?" He then would explain what we as a nation had learned from our past and quoted this phrase:

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." by George Santayana

How true this statement is as I have matured and learned the importance of not only studying history out of the textbook, but God's story out of His book - the Holy Scriptures. So, with that said, I propose that to you, as well, "So what?"

So what - there were 3 sieges on Jerusalem from 605 to 586 BC
So what - there were 3 returns to Jerusalem between 536 to 445 BC
So what - it took them 20 years to rebuild the temple, though they only worked on it for six of those years
So what - they stopped for 14 years because of opposition, fear, lack of focus, self-absorbed with life
So what - Ezra set his heart to study the law and to practice and teach it
So what - Ezra respected the pagan authority over him, but was also able to do the will of God
So what - Ezra fasted and prayed before he set out on the 2nd return home
So what - God is sovereign over the hearts of pagan kings and also believers
So what - God was grieved when Israel had taken foreign pagan wives

I could go on and on, but if you cannot take these "so what" statements off the pages of both history and scripture into your life, I can assure you, you are doomed to repeat the past. And here lies the difference between the believer and the non-believer's heart, "I sin. I sin all I want to. I don't want to." by Adrian Rogers

As we hunger for spiritual food from the pages of His Word, we must take it from the page to the pavement of our lives. People do not care that you know all of those "so what" statements I wrote above. But... they do care when you can sit down with them, giving them hope of how they can re-build their temples. They do care when you can counsel them on the dangers of marrying a non-believer. They do listen when you can give them hope that God is in control of even their un-believing boss. Again, I could go on and on, but do you get the point? Can you say "so what" and answer that "so what" into your daily life and the lives of those around you? THIS IS THE PURPOSE OF BIBLE STUDY - TRANSFORMED LIVES! TRANSFORMATION NOT INFORMATION!

I was laughing when I got home yesterday about my "senior" moment about the Rahab and Ruth connection as in-laws. Does it matter that you now know they were mother and daughter in-law OR is it more important that you know that the Bible is filled with dysfunctional families, and that the lineage of Christ had not only contains gentile blood, but also a reformed harlot and a banned Moabite? God's grace is greater than all our sin; we need to understand that our knowledge of God's big story, His-story, is truly what will guide us to NOT repeat the sins of our past.

So, as we sturdy this wonderful historical narrative, we must always step back and ask ourselves - "So what?" What does this mean to me? How do I apply these truths about God and His ways to my life? Am I holy? Do I need to put way some foreign things from my life? Do I Respond or React when I am first confronted with disappointments in others? Have I "turned any sinners? toward or away from God? I have been changed by the knowledge and truth of His Word?" "So what?"

In the Name of our Lord of Hosts – the Sovereign Lord over all,

Sunday, July 11, 2010

My, Cyrus, Old Man Hankins


Ezra 7-8
Lesson 4a
“My Cyrus,
Old Man Hankins”

I knew him as “old man Hankins.” He was an elderly deacon in my home church that wore stark black suits, walked somewhat stooped over, and as long as I can remember, had walked with a cane. I don’t remember if I ever had a conversation with him until that day I sat in his living room as he discussed the terms of our agreement. He had decided to send one student from my small high school, to Louisiana College for one year, tuition and fees paid in full. My principal had called me into his office just a couple of weeks before graduation letting me know of this man’s offer. Of course, I was ecstatic, and although I had never knew of Louisiana College, I told Mr. Lilley, my principal, that I would take it. I had always wanted to go away to school, but I knew my parents would struggle to pay for my tuition and room and board fees. So, I had accepted the fact that I would commute to Northwestern. This was an answer to a young girl’s prayers and dreams though I wonder if Mr. Hankins fully grasped his involvement in my future life.

Mr. Hankins’ responding to God’s stirring of his heart to send a student to school, would forever change my life. I went on that summer to the orientation weekend where I would room with a girl that was to be on the Lady Cats Basketball team. Since she was always at the gym, I too hung around there and started playing “pick-up” games as we called them every afternoon that early Fall. I then decided that I would walk onto the team. I had played basketball all my life and was recruited by Northwestern, but that did not work out; so, why not try to play for this newly formed program? Well, I made the team and really enjoyed feeling a part of the school. But we all know what was fast approaching – the end of the full paid year. As the spring semester came to a close, I had resolved myself to transfer to Northwestern to finish out my schooling. Yet, wouldn’t you know that Coach Billy Allgood called me into his office and offered me a half athletic scholarship, and he told me with my good academics and my southern Baptist background I was eligible for enough scholarships that my schooling would be full paid. WOW! God had once again stirred a heart on my behalf.

I would go onto to graduate and play four years of basketball making some lifetime memories and friendships. A young girl from a graduating class of 15 students would graduate 10th in her class of two hundred or so. She would meet her husband her senior year and walk away from a high school relationship that was never right from the beginning. God had a plan and purpose the entire time and He always came through even if it seemingly was always at the midnight hour.

As I look back, it humbles me to know how God weaves His plan in the lives of those around us, some we know and some we do not, but none the less, He is sovereign over it all. I don’t like to play the "what if" game, but please allow me to do so to make a point. What if Mr. Hankins had not responded to the stirring of his heart to pay a student’s way to Louisiana College? What if Mr. Lilly had not chosen me to be the recipient of that scholarship? What if I had not been raised to be a good student to help with the future academic scholarships? What if I had not spent many hours playing basketball and practicing so to be good enough to make the team and help fund my schooling? What if God had not closed the door of the Northwestern basketball program? What if – what if – what if? Oh dear one, God is sovereign over the steps of our lives, but we are also responsible as men and women with free wills to choose the paths we take. We must, as we have seen in the book of Ezra, rise up and willingly obey the stirrings of our heart. Esther was obedient to the calling of God on her life – she resolved herself to rise up for “such a time as this.” “If I perish, I perish” was her statement before she approached the King. The Levites in the second return with Ezra had to willingly and obediently decide to return to Jerusalem to do the work. We must realize that obedience is NOT about not sinning – it’s about DOING the will of God and responding to the stirring of our hearts. The Christian life should NOT be obsessed with the drudgery of trying not to fall short, but should NOT WANT to fall short of the standard God has given us. Remember, “His yoke is easy, and His burden is light” Matt. 11:30

“This Ezra” was a skilled scribe and priest of the Law of Moses. He had set his heart to seek God through His Word and to practice and teach it so that others might also understand . As we saw in 1 Peter 2:9, you too are a kingdom of priests, a chosen race and royal priesthood, a people of God’s own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light.” SO… you fill in the Blank –

“This _______”(your name).

What is your lineage? What forefathers or mothers are in your family history that have impacted your life? What “Mr. Hankins” do you have that totally changed the course of your life because they were obedient.? What is your journey like? Do you need provision or protection? Fast and pray as Ezra did. What successes have you had that you now realize God had His hand on the entire time! Though perhaps you were wondering if He had abandoned you – you now know that He was simply carrying you on His back.

I still have copy of the letter Mr. Hankins sent me letting the College know of my impending attendance and his plans to pay my entire first year. He signed the letter with His feeble hand and under it placed this verse reference:

“For my God shall supply all of your needs according to His riches in glory through Christ Jesus our Lord.” Phil. 4:19

This verse has been my life verse since that day in 1978 when I received that “decree” regarding my future. Little did I know how many times I would recall and lean on this promise of God. Yes – He had supplied my needs and my very heart’s desire. And it all rested upon men responding with willingness and obedience to the stirring of their hearts.

I forgot to close today with the last verse of Ezra so I will do so now.

In 8:36, it says, “Then they delivered the king’s edicts to the king’s satraps, and to the governors in the provinces beyond the river, and they supported (furthered = KJV) the people and the house of God.”

The KJV word for supported is furthered – “nasa” – to lift up the face, the voice, the eyes, or the soul of another. Those that did not or were not willing to go obeyed the king’s edict and supported and furthered those that did go. Where are you today? If you decide to go and respond to the stirring of your heart, know that God’s hand of protection and provision is upon you, but you still have to do the work. If you cannot go, for whatever reason, please lift up and encourage those that do! Many of you are perhaps the “Mr. Hankins” to someone out there that needs to know that God’s hand is upon them. So, how is He stirring your heart today? The decree has been issued – arise and go up!

In the Name of our Lord of Hosts – the Sovereign Lord over all,

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

He Died to Make Men Holy

Lesson 3b

"He Died to Make Men Holy"

Today's class met on July 4th, 2010 - some two hundred and thirty four years after the signing of the Declaration of Independence of this great nation. Freedom came to us all and continues to come at a cost. It has many times been said freedom never comes cheap. We, as Americans, can do and say the things we do because many others shed their blood on our behalf. Let's talk about another type of freedom - the freedom from eternal death because of our sins. That freedom was costly as well, but it would not and could not be paid by mortal men, but by the blood of our precious Savior, Jesus Christ.

As I sat in the pew of my home church, listening to the Battle Hymn of the Republic, that precious verse was sung: "He died to make men holy, let us live to make men free." Tears whelped up into my eyes as I truly reflected on the cost of freedom, both my national and my heavenly. Since Jesus has paid the cost of my freedom from the slavery of sin and death, I can truly live to make men free. I can lead them to the same Redeemer I encountered years ago - to the same Mount Calvary we must all go to if we are truly to be set free.

He died to make men holy - set apart. So too, in our lesson from Haggai, God speaks clearly to the people to consider their ways. He exhorted them to examine their lives and the focus there of, to become holy and clean before even one stone of the temple is put into place. Jesus died to make us HOLY not HAPPY! We must examine our own temples and do the work to restore the very dwelling place of our Lord. Yet, if we are to follow the instructions of Haggai, we should drop to our knees, confessing before our God any hurtful way in us. Don't even lift one stone of repair before we have set ourselves apart!

The word tabernacle means, to dwell. God wants to dwell with YOU! Yet, He is holy, and He desires for your heart to be holy as He is holy. Your body, His tabernacle, is His dwelling place, and if it needs some re-building, the writings of Ezra and Haggai are extremely beneficial to guide us toward that restoration. Here is a list of applications from the writing of Haggai which came in 520BC to a people who had STOPPED the repair of the temple for fourteen years. Have you stopped the work? Prayerfully read the list below and ask God to reveal to you any areas that need some repair.

Life Lessons from Haggai

1. When “droughts” come in my life – stop and remember two things:

a. God is sovereign over whatever the “drought” is and has you and the situation in His hands

b. Consider your ways = set your heart upon God’s Glory –Then confess it before Him

2. Am I a procrastinator? When God stirs the heart of His children, He is calling them to DO something. Like the story of Jonah, don’t make God ask you a second time to do the task

3. Am I a quitter when opposition comes? Do I use opposition as my excuse perhaps saying God has closed the door? [Opposition may mean that we doing something RIGHT... in God’s will]..

4. Am I too busy with my own personal life and all its comforts to respond to God’s stirring of my heart? The remnant of Israel was “paneling” their own houses while God’s house was desolate.

5. God is a “with us” God = Immanuel. Two times in Haggai He reminds them saying, “I am with you.” Remember when He stirred Moses to deliver His people, and Moses was more concerned about opposition, and what the people would say and who he was to respond to the task? How did God deal with Moses? He reminded Him that: 1.He was God and 2.That He would be with Him, and 3.To tell them that Yahweh had sent him, and 4.He would equip him to do the job. In other words, IT IS NOT ABOUT US!

6. God is sovereign, but we are responsible to do the work. God stirred them to not fear and to rise up and do the work. David had to go down to the river and gather the stones and had to sling one of them in the name of the Living God. God parts the sea, but we have to be willing to walk through it!

7. Beware of temple comparisons. Sometimes, we like to live in the “glory” days and never move forward. We need to know that God is going to do something new among us. We need to know and remember that the latter glory will be greater that the former.

8. Do not fear. Take courage or be strong and do the work.

9. Better days are ahead – there is always hope in Christ and the future. His Holy Spirit is within us! He is not only WITH us, but He is IN US! SO……restore and rebuild your temple!

10. Obedience brings blessing! From Genesis to Revelation, we see this over and over! To obey is better than sacrifice.

11. Hanging out with holy people will no more make me holy than being ill and hanging out with healthy people will make me well!

12. BUT – when the well hang out with the ill – they will become sick. Uncleanliness and sin spreads like leaven within the bread. Be set apart, holy unto the Lord. Live in the world, but not of the world.

13. God is a promise keeper. He kept His promises to Israel and will keep His promises to us as well. He promised that the Lamp of David would never go out. Zerubbabel was placed in the lineage of Jesus Christ; though he never sat on the throne as a king, he is in the lineage of a King – King Jesus!

14. God’s plans will NOT be thwarted. He is sovereign over kings and kingdoms – over peoples and nations – over life and death – over the rain and the drought...and finishes his building projects right on time (70 years from it’s destruction)

15. Remember that opposition can bring discouragement. Comparing “temples” also brings discouragement.

16. Why did God want them to rebuild the temple? Because He wants to “tabernacle or dwell” with us! From Genesis 3, the story is all about a holy God who calls to Himself an unholy people. He provided atonement with death and blood, and He provided our atonement with the death and blood of Christ. He wants to tabernacle with you! His Spirit dwells within your body, His temple, when you invite Him to reside there and become Lord of your life. Have you done this? Maybe He is stirring your heart to become His child and rebuild your temple for His occupation.

17. Finally, Haggai boils down to two exhortations:

a. Consider your ways (Re-set your priorities, passions)

b. Take courage and be strong order to FINISH the WORK that GLORIFIES HIM!

Those who know their God will display strength and take action! Daniel 11:32b


Sunday, June 27, 2010

Not a Random Summer

Lesson 3a

It never ceases to amaze me how God will send me the same message over and over through different venues. Many times our lesson will correlate directly to my quiet time material, or a friend's comment, or our Pastor's message. For the past few weeks, our lessons in Ezra and Haggai have tied into Pastor Brook's summer series, "Not a Random Summer." He has implored us to make active choices that this summer will be a major deciding crossroad for the rest of our lives. He has urged us to stop procrastinating and do the things we never take the time to do like: watch a sunrise and a sunset, walk through the grass barefooted, go on a picnic, etc. Today's message, once again, coincided with our lesson from Haggai, a prophecy written around 520BC during the time of Ezra and Zerubbabel. Haggai wrote five messages over a brief four months of time. He strongly instructs and exhorts a stagnate people to:

1. Consider your ways (self examine your focus in life)
2. Take courage and be strong to do the work
3. Do not fear, for God is with you

The leaders and remnant of Israel had started out well - they returned to their demolished city and laid the foundation for the temple and celebrated with great joy. Then it happened, the "ites" and the naysayers showed up, leaving them discouraged. The word used here for discourage actually means "their arms fell limp." Of course, then after this opposition, they got distracted with the details of their everyday lives - busy-ness and the concerns of the world became their focus. Yet, according to Haggai one, they were toiling in vain for God was causing the fruit of their labors to literally blow away in the wind as He brought drought and withheld the rain. God was trying to get their attention. They were living in nice paneled houses while God's house lie in desolation. They had contracted a bad case of the Deadly D's - disappointed, then discouraged, then distracted, then disillusioned, then delayed, then disobedient, and then despaired, as life seemed to be like being on a treadmill, busy but going nowhere!

In today's sermon, our Pastor instructed and exhorted us as well. His title was "Realize The Necessary" by:

1. You need some necessary endings
2. You need some necessary beginnings
3. You need some necessary breakthroughs

Let's look at how these steps relate to Israel's dilemma and to ours as well.

1. Israel needed to STOP being disobedient and realize that God was judging them so to get their attention. They needed to STOP having their focus on their own lives. They needed to STOP being fearful of the enemies of the land. They needed some "endings" in the summer of 520BC. (Haggai's messages were actually written over a four month period ranging from August to December of 520BC)

2. Israel needed to take some actions. They needed to gather the wood for the temple. They needed to take courage and do the work, They needed to become clean and holy, set apart from their sin BEFORE they lifted even one stone in the construction of the temple. Because unholiness spreads like leaven, and God would not allow an unclean and unholy people to do His work. They had to have a new beginning in 520 BC in order to have a restored temple in 516BC. Is not that what I Pastor told us this morning? Don't just let the summer of 2010 be an ordinary summer - let it be so life changing that you look back and say, "In the summer of 2010, I _______________ and my life has never been the same." We are ALL the temples of God, both individually and corporately as the body of Christ. What do we need to Stop or Start in order to complete this project? I suggest we do the same things Haggai and our Pastor exhorted and instructed us to do.

3. Israel needed a Breakthrough - not a breakdown. They had to look beyond the failures of the past. They had to look past the monotony of lifting each stone and nailing each nail. If you do not breakthrough and keep your eyes focused on the ultimate goal of restoration - you will have a breakdown!!!

Now, we have just briefly touched on the messages of Haggai, and I hope to complete Lesson three next Sunday for those of you they plan to share your July 4th with us. Here are a few things to ponder this week as we continue to "NOT HAVE A RANDOM SUMMER."

Take some time this week and

1. "Consider your ways." Is there anything you need to STOP?
2. "Take courage, be strong and do the work" Is there anything you need to START?
3. "Do not fear, God is with you." Rely on these truths so that you can BREAKTHROUGH and not Breakdown!

Whatever it is that God is stirring you heart to do, I pray these truths, both exhortations and instructions, will be as fruitful to you as they were to Israel when Haggai penned them long ago. I close with the Pastor's key verse:

"The harvest is past, the summer is ended, and we are not saved." Jer. 8:20


Monday, June 7, 2010

Hearing God's Yes When the World Screams No!

Lesson 2a
Ezra Ch. 4

What is God stirring your heart to do? You know it's Him, but you are scared, afraid of the response or rejection of others. Perhaps, you started the project, but because of opposition, you are now discouraged and wonder if you were ever suppose to do this at all? Yet, you have not completed the task, your hands have gone limp and your are discouraged just like the people of Israel were in Ezra chapter four as they tried to restore the temple. God had stirred their hearts, that was NOT the problem - the problem was the opposition they faced as they tried to follow the will of God. Listen, it's WAR out there and we need today's lesson more than ever. We have to learn how to hear God's YES when the world is screaming NO!

There were many applications from the lesson and I plan to get them to you in letter form in an upcoming lesson. But for now, I want to focus on the major truth we can apply to our lives. We have to learn how to move from fear to faith. In our Matthew study we saw that faith fixes fear, but how do we grow our faith? Well, our lesson shows us - by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God. "For whatever was written in earlier times was written for our instruction, that through perseverance and encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope." (Romans 15:4) Have you ever been really down and discouraged and God sent messages to you throughout that day or week? Sometimes He will send me the same verse over and over; this reminds me that He is a God that is always with me, and like in says in Ezra 5:5 that "His eye is on me" just like it was on the elders of Israel. He sends me "Haggai's and Zechariah's" just like He did Israel. As a matter of fact, many of you have been used by God to bring me encouraging words many times; He uses you and perhaps you didn't even know that He was speaking through you!

God's Word is a sure Word and we can count on Him to do what He says. Our problem is that we wanted it yesterday - 20 years to re-build, is too long to wait! Perhaps it would not have taken as long if they had greater faith. So too, is our problem - FAITH. I don't know about you, but each week as I do my homework and study His Word, my faith grows. Then, we come together and corporately study, my faith grows more, and we are encouraged by the assembling of ourselves together. His Word and the fellowship with other believers is like a booster B-12 shot to my soul! I am renewed each Thursday - I am a better wife, mother, and friend because His Word has renewed my mind. This renewing grows my faith, as I not only drink in His truths, but I see that God has woven the tapestry of His covenant keeping ways throughout the Bible. I can count on Him - I can trust Him. The result - PEACE and confident Faith!

As I listened to the video, I was reminded of all of the nourishing verses we learned in some of the minor prophets. I went back and grabbed them from that letter and listed them below because they so relate to our lives as we face opposition from the enemy. I encourage you to pray these out loud over yours or some else's warfare and opposition:

When I reach a crossroad of distress in this life …

I will Remember…
The Lord is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble. And He knows those who take refuge in Him.
(Nahum 1:7)
The Lord is slow to anger, but great in power, but He will by no means leave the guilty unpunished.
(Nahum 1:3a)

What I will Do…
“But as for me, I will watch expectantly for the Lord, I will wait on the God of my salvation. My God will hear me. Do not rejoice over me, O my enemy. Though I fall, I will rise. Though I dwell in darkness, the Lord is a light to me. (Micah 7:7-8)
I will stand on my guard post. I will station myself on the rampart. And I will keep watch to see what He will speak to me. (Hab. 2:1)

Even though…
… the fig tree should not blossom.
And there be no fruit on the vine.
Though the yield of the olive should fail.
And the fields produce no food.
Though the flock be cut off from the fold,
And there be no cattle in the stalls.

Because I know
The righteous man will live by faith. (Hab. 2:4) not by sight. If it was seen it would not be faith –
because faith is the assurance of things hoped for and the conviction of things unseen. (Heb. 11:1)
And I know The Lord is in His Holy Temple ...(Hab. 2:20a)

Therefore ...
I will exult in the Lord.
I will rejoice in God of my salvation.
The Lord God is my strength.
And He has made my feet like hinds feet and has made me to walk on my high places.(Hab 3:17-19)
so…let all of the earth be silent before Him (Hab.2:20b)

So, what do I mean by hearing God's yes when the world is screaming no? In Romans 4:18, it says, "In hope, against hope, Abraham believed in order that he might become a father of many nations, according to that which had been spoken, "So shall your descendants be." In the next couple of verses it describes how he looked at his and Sarah's bodies - good as dead, but with respect to the promise of God, he did not waiver in unbelief, but grew strong in faith. Abraham's faith grew because he believed the promises of God rather that the screams of a world that would say NO WAY! The word here for hope literally means, in hope (God's yes) against hope (the world's no) to hear God's YES when the word screams No! Abraham knew that the world only saw the outer circumstances - they did not know that He had a promise keeping God. God promised Him that He would have a seed from whom ALL the nations of the earth would be blessed. The only problem was that it would be 25 years before it came about. Oh, if God would only beat to our drum? Maybe, we should learn to beat to His!

You know, the Christian's life is sort of like sitting in the middle of the LSU stadium - DEATH VALLEY (appropriately named) and trying to hear God's whispering YES while almost 100,000 are screaming NO! Now, listen closely for His stirring your heart, and perhaps His whisper of YES. You can do this! Why? Because He said you could - He keeps His promises! YOU ARE NOT TIGER BAIT! Arise, and do the work, and do it by faith!

In the Name of OUR GREAT GOD,

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Have You Hung Up Your Harp?


Lesson 1b-2a
Ezra 1-4

Well, if you missed today - you missed a 45 minute overview of the entire Bible! (LOL) I do not exaggerate, and I literally came home and crashed after lunch as I'm sure those that were there did as well. Now, why did I feel it necessary to start in Genesis and briefly walk through a timeline of the entire Bible? Because if we are going to study a historical book like Ezra, we MUST place it into the context of all of God's story. Why? Because we want to see the BIG picture of how Israel got into this mess to start with and how God, through His sovereign mercy, has never removed His hand from upon them, And most importantly, we must see that same truth for our own lives as well. I propose that if each of us drew a timeline on a piece of paper, starting with our birth to now, we would see some of the same events as we see in the history of Israel. i.e.

1. times of great victory
2. times of great defeat
3. times of immense obedience
4. times of immense disobedience
5. times of freedom
6. times of captivity
7. times of joy and singing
8. times of sadness, regret, and silence

I think you get the point, as this list could go on and on with simple comparisons. Do we ever stop and realize that the God of Israel is OUR God as well, and that this same faithful God has crossed us through the "Red Sea" and the "Jordan River's" of our lives; He has been faithful and merciful and compassionate through every step of our wilderness. It is so important for us to sit and consider our entire life, looking back at the hand of God carrying us and guiding us through our days. This is exactly what the books of 1 and 2 Chronicles did for Israel in 539 BC. If you are going to get the courage to return home and restore your life, that courage is only found in a step back look at your life, sifted through faithful fingers of love and seen through His word manifested in your life.

As a broad application, I want to encourage each of you, no matter where this course has found you in your walk upon this earth to stop and consider:

1. How did I get here - to the place I find myself today?
2. Is there anything I should have utterly destroyed that has now begun to control my life?
3. Is there a giant "talkin' smack" that should have been put away years ago?
4. Have I lost my joy and my song -" Hung up my harp"(Ps.137) - because I have found myself in captivity?

Oh dear students, we have much yet to glean and learn from this beautiful historical narrative by Ezra, a scribe and priest. He better than anyone, knew the importance of looking at the big picture as he perhaps authored 1 and 2 Chronicles along with the book that bears his name. I would like to meet Ezra in glory; he was certainly a pioneer and not a settler as he encouraged a people that needed to return home and restore their lives.

And now, here we stand on the banks of God's word as inspired through Ezra's. These very words are timeless and useful to us as well. I admonish you this day to listen to them and consider coming home. In the book of Joel, God promises to restore their joy and the years the locust have eaten. He will do the same for you, BUT... you have to do the walking! And then you can take down your harp and sing for joy as you take each step of faith toward home!

Your Job:
Repent and Return

12 The Lord announces to his people,
"Return to me with all your heart.
There is still time.
Do not eat any food.
Sob and cry."
13 Don't just tear your clothes to show how sad you are.
Let your hearts be broken.
Return to the Lord your God.
He is gracious.
He is tender and kind.
He is slow to get angry.
He is full of love.
He takes pity on you.
He won't destroy you.   Joel 2:12-13

God's Job:

"Then I will make up to you for the years That the swarming locust has eaten" Joel 2:25
"For behold, in those days and at that time, When I restore the fortunes of Judah and Jerusalem" Joel 3:1

Thank You Lord for not NEVER taking Your hand off my life. Though I have wandered away many times, You have never left nor forsaken me. Lord, I want to come home to Your loving arms. I want to restore Your temple, my heart and soul that houses Your very presence! Lord, I have lost my joy along the way, help me to take down my harp and sing again.

Lord, I realize You will be with me the entire journey, but I HAVE TO TAKE THE STEPS! We praise you for loving us enough to forgive us and allow us to come home - home to the God of again!

Thank you Lord for MERCY!

In the Name of our Abba Father,