Lesson 1b-2a
Ezra 1-4
Well, if you missed today - you missed a 45 minute overview of the entire Bible! (LOL) I do not exaggerate, and I literally came home and crashed after lunch as I'm sure those that were there did as well. Now, why did I feel it necessary to start in Genesis and briefly walk through a timeline of the entire Bible? Because if we are going to study a historical book like Ezra, we MUST place it into the context of all of God's story. Why? Because we want to see the BIG picture of how Israel got into this mess to start with and how God, through His sovereign mercy, has never removed His hand from upon them, And most importantly, we must see that same truth for our own lives as well. I propose that if each of us drew a timeline on a piece of paper, starting with our birth to now, we would see some of the same events as we see in the history of Israel. i.e.
1. times of great victory
2. times of great defeat
3. times of immense obedience
4. times of immense disobedience
5. times of freedom
6. times of captivity
7. times of joy and singing
8. times of sadness, regret, and silence
I think you get the point, as this list could go on and on with simple comparisons. Do we ever stop and realize that the God of Israel is OUR God as well, and that this same faithful God has crossed us through the "Red Sea" and the "Jordan River's" of our lives; He has been faithful and merciful and compassionate through every step of our wilderness. It is so important for us to sit and consider our entire life, looking back at the hand of God carrying us and guiding us through our days. This is exactly what the books of 1 and 2 Chronicles did for Israel in 539 BC. If you are going to get the courage to return home and restore your life, that courage is only found in a step back look at your life, sifted through faithful fingers of love and seen through His word manifested in your life.
As a broad application, I want to encourage each of you, no matter where this course has found you in your walk upon this earth to stop and consider:
1. How did I get here - to the place I find myself today?
2. Is there anything I should have utterly destroyed that has now begun to control my life?
3. Is there a giant "talkin' smack" that should have been put away years ago?
4. Have I lost my joy and my song -" Hung up my harp"(Ps.137) - because I have found myself in captivity?
Oh dear students, we have much yet to glean and learn from this beautiful historical narrative by Ezra, a scribe and priest. He better than anyone, knew the importance of looking at the big picture as he perhaps authored 1 and 2 Chronicles along with the book that bears his name. I would like to meet Ezra in glory; he was certainly a pioneer and not a settler as he encouraged a people that needed to return home and restore their lives.
And now, here we stand on the banks of God's word as inspired through Ezra's. These very words are timeless and useful to us as well. I admonish you this day to listen to them and consider coming home. In the book of Joel, God promises to restore their joy and the years the locust have eaten. He will do the same for you, BUT... you have to do the walking! And then you can take down your harp and sing for joy as you take each step of faith toward home!
Your Job:
Repent and Return
12 The Lord announces to his people,
"Return to me with all your heart.
There is still time.
Do not eat any food.
Sob and cry."
13 Don't just tear your clothes to show how sad you are.
Let your hearts be broken.
Return to the Lord your God.
He is gracious.
He is tender and kind.
He is slow to get angry.
He is full of love.
He takes pity on you.
He won't destroy you. Joel 2:12-13
God's Job:
"Then I will make up to you for the years That the swarming locust has eaten" Joel 2:25
"For behold, in those days and at that time, When I restore the fortunes of Judah and Jerusalem" Joel 3:1
Thank You Lord for not NEVER taking Your hand off my life. Though I have wandered away many times, You have never left nor forsaken me. Lord, I want to come home to Your loving arms. I want to restore Your temple, my heart and soul that houses Your very presence! Lord, I have lost my joy along the way, help me to take down my harp and sing again.
Lord, I realize You will be with me the entire journey, but I HAVE TO TAKE THE STEPS! We praise you for loving us enough to forgive us and allow us to come home - home to the God of again!
Thank you Lord for MERCY!
In the Name of our Abba Father,

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