Nehemiah 11-13
Lesson 5
"You're In My Seat"
Monday, I flew back from Williamsburg, Virginia from Atlanta, and the flight was full. As I was waiting seemingly endlessly to get down the aisle to my seat, I was listening to the conversation behind me. They were talking about a brawl that almost ensued on a flight where two people were assigned the same seat. How can that happen with the computer systems these days, I thought as I made my way toward row 29 seat D? And then, wouldn't you know it, a lady was sitting in 29D, so I made a comment about what her ticket as I sat down in 29C, Keith's seat. She pulled it out and hers also said 29D, so I just sat there waiting for Keith and the flight attendant to clear up the confusion. The lady very firmly stated that she HAD to get to Atlanta, and if anyone was bumped, it would NOT be her! A sweet older lady sitting beside me almost got upset on my behalf, but I told her it would be find that they would get it worked out. Well, the flight attendant took up both our tickets and about ten minutes later, she returned and spoke with the lady and said, "Are you aware that you are on flight #2485, and that you are suppose to be on another flight about an hour later? Shocked and upset, she abruptly got up and grabbed her bags to get off the flight. I mentioned to the flight attendant that the seat behind our row was vacant, but the flight attendant reminded me that FAA rules and post 911 policies are that you cannot be on a flight without your luggage. As I pulled out my Bible Study materials and began to prepare for today's lesson, my mind keep thinking about how the lady was so demanding and upset, but the rules said she could not stay on this flight. Then, I thought of our eternal flight home, and how many will be SHOCKED to find themselves on the wrong flight, without any ticket or luggage that shows they are suppose to be there?
As I was studying for this lesson, I was thinking about Nehemiah wanting to be remembered for good. How do I want to be remembered? Do I want to be known for being good or doing good? Nehemiah, one man, made a difference in a world filled with conflict and opposition. He never draws attention to his own good qualities or his long resume'; he simply wants to be remembered for DOING GOOD! His bags were on the correct flight home to be with His Father, his seat was secure. I had to ask myself some tough questions as I thought of the lady in seat 29D. When was the last time I lead someone to Christ? I thought of this lady's shock as she thought she had the correct ticket, and how she was not allowed to stay on the plane. She was not permitted to take the vacancy because her bags were not on the flight. Oh, dear ones, where have you checked your bags and on what flight? What have you mailed ahead that will last for an eternity? You must fly home to your Father with your bags, and you will stand before the judgment seat of Christ where you will be judge according to your deeds, NOT YOUR SIN! Do you see the difference? We are each given a God given gifting and sphere of influence. We are all Levites and priests, serving, teaching, discipling, and evangelizing a lost world. Our world needs a Savior, and as I mentioned from the video clip from Dr. Landry's message, "Do we hate the lost that much that we have chosen NOT to tell them the "good news?" Do we know the word so well that we have literally become prophets? Yet, Dr. Landry said, "The world does not need a prophet, they need a Savior." We are also gatekeepers and watchman on the wall, as we war in prayer for ourselves and others. Guard those gates!
And so we come to the end of this beautiful story of one man that made a huge difference. What applications - or "so what's" have we learned? Remember, we are not trying to just get "information" but also "transformation!" This letter could not contain the applications from this study, but let me put a few down for you to ponder from today's lesson:
1. Have I stored anything in my temple that is of the world? Have I let an alliance with someone of the world bring junk into my temple - God's dwelling place? THROW IT OUT! Utterly destroy it lest you find it standing in your face talking smack like Goliath did to Israel. All because they did not push them out like God had commanded.
2. Am I tithing to my local church? Does my Pastor have to have a second job because the church fails to support him? Did you notice that Nehemiah kept calling it the contribution or consecrated portion - it is to be set aside as Holy to the Lord. And now we know why Malachi speaks so much about the tithe - he was prophesying during the time of Nehemiah, hence, he adds commentary to the days of Nehemiah.
3. Do I observe a Sabbath rest - a time where I close the gates of my life and rest in Him? Or, perhaps I try to earn God's favor and grace, and in a sense negate the work of the cross. We as believers, are already in our salvation rest the work is done - It is finished. (see Hebrews 4 for scripture support)
4. Do I realize that sin causes captivity? Israel continued for years of breaking God's laws and His heart; He finally had to judge them with 70 years of captivity in a foreign land. Nehemiah was not afraid to contend with sin - even to the point of striking some of them and pulling out their hair! Here is a poem by John Newton that describes so perfectly how we end up in sin. Note the bolded portion that so well describes our fall into Satan's sin trap:
Sin, when viewed by scripture light,
Is a horrid, hateful sight;
But when seen in Satan’s glass,
Then it wears a pleasing face.
When the gospel trumpet sounds,
When I think how grace abounds,
When I feel sweet peace within,
Then I’d rather die than sin.
When the cross I view by faith,
Sin is madness, poison, death;
Tempt me not, ‘tis all in vain,
Sure I ne’er can yield again.
Satan, for awhile debarred,
When he finds me off my guard,
Puts his glass before my eyes,
Quickly other thoughts arise.
What before excited fears,
Rather pleasing now appears;
If a sin, it seems so small,
Or, perhaps, no sin at all.
Often thus, through sin’s deceit,
Grief, and shame, and loss I meet,
Like a fish, my soul mistook,
Saw the bait, but not the hook.
O my Lord, what shall I say?
How can I presume to pray?
Not a word have I to plead,
Sins, like mine, are black indeed!
Made, by past experience, wise,
Let me learn thy word to prize;
Taught by what I’ve felt before,
Let me Satan’s glass abhor.
5. How do you want to be remembered? Have you written up all your accolades, club memberships, offices held, charities, etc for your obituary? What will your epitaph say? Nothing wrong with these things, but we are to be about our Father's business - bringing in the lost sheep, teaching the word, discipling the believers, healing and ministering to the sick, feeding the poor, standing in the gap and being a watchman on the walls in prayer, and rebuilding walls, both spiritual and physical! As Kay says, "There is no retirement in the time of war!"
As we close this book, I look forward to our 52 day celebration on November 4th, 12:00 pm in Calvary Hall. Please be thinking and praying about something you could share that God has taught you through this 52 Day Challenge or the course itself. We will have food, fun , and songs of praise and thanksgiving - just like Nehemiah celebrated. So, come with a shout in your heart and a praise on your tongue as we dedicate the repairs we have made to our gates. Please RSVP so that you can have your "assigned seat" - we don't want anyone to have to "get off the plane!" That's kind of a good analogy for heaven isn't it? Heaven - RSVP required! Send your luggage ahead!
Laboring with you and through Him,
Phil 1:6
"For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus."

Day 34: Why did God give so much white space for the multiple lists of names in the book of Nehemiah? We also see in Malachi, who spoke during the time of Nehemaih, that God has a book of remembrance. Many books are referred to in Scripture, but lets look at this one, Then those that feared the Lord spoke to one another, and the Lord gave attention and heard it, and a book of remembrance was written before Him and who esteemed His name. Mal 3:16 Why were their names recorded? They feared and esteemed their God, they gave "yare" (awe) to their God. It's NOT about us, our dos and donts, or our being good enough! Our awe of God will naturally produce good fruit. When we put Him first, we are connected to the Vine, hence, we bear fruit. A lemon tree doesnt fret and strain to bear lemons, it feeds off the water, nutrients, and the sun, and it just happens - and so too, us! Feed on the water and food of His Word, and get a little Son-shine, and let it happen! Being on His list is not about us - it's about Him!
ReplyDeleteDay 35: Happy Sabbath Morning! When you attend worship services, do you ever stop and ask yourself, Why all of the singing and praise? Have you ever found yourself frustrated or judgmental toward it? Who started all of this anyway? In Nehemiah, we find him re-establishing the singing of hymns, praise, thanksgiving, and worship at the temple, the festivals, and the dedication of the wall. It says they had many musical instruments and 2 choirs at the dedication. praise and give thanks, as prescribed by David, the man of God..(12:24,36,46) What is the purpose of it all? There are many, but the main purpose is to give glory, worth ship to your God and prepare your heart to receive His Word and correction. It helps you remember, Whos who in the zoo! So, today, SING, SING, SING!
ReplyDeleteDay 36: At the dedication of the wall, Nehemiah had them divide into two groups with two choirs and musical instruments, one group led by him and the other by Ezra. He then had them start at the valley gate, having the one group go east toward the Gate of the Guard and one group marched west, ending up together at the Sheep Gate and temple area. I can just hear the singing and praise as they marched some 2 to 4 miles, celebrating the walls completion. Why do you think he had them do that? I believe he wanted them to take a day and celebrate before their God what they had accomplished through their God. Have you ever considered doing the same? Perhaps, it would do us well to put our ipods on and sing and march around our homes, our businesses, our churches, our families, or any great work that God has helped us to build with His great and mighty hand.
ReplyDeleteDay 37: What does the naming of people, places, events, and times validate in the Scripture? It lets us know it really happened - it's TRUTH! Jerusalem was destroyed - the city, the walls and the temple in 586 BC. The temple was rebuilt by Ezra in 516 BC, yet the walls would lay in rubble for another 71 years. Is your temple secure in Jesus Christ, yet your life is in rubble? Jesus said that He came to give us ABUNDANT life; don't be like Israel and put it off for years. Today, arise and put your hammer in one hand and your weapon in the other and begin to rebuild your walls and gates.
ReplyDeleteDay 38: Why did the reading of Gods word in Neh. 8 bring the people to tears? For all of the people were weeping when they heard the words of the Law. They wept because they were convicted by the standard - they were like wall paper, and the Law was like a plumb line. They saw were they were not straight, and it grieved them. Did Nehemiah let them stay there and commiserate in their tears? No, he told them to Arise and eat, celebrate, and do not be grieved for the joy of the Lord is your strength. We have got to get this - God does not leave us in our sin. We need to arise and have joy as we serve Him. The sin is covered - it is NOT about being good, its about doing good! Does that mean we go around sinning? May it never be! I sin, I sin all I want to. I don't want to! (Adrian Rogers)
ReplyDeleteDay 39: The gates of Jerusalem governed what came into and went out of the city. Each had a specific purpose, and each had guards that governed them. For example, the sheep for the sacrifices were brought through the Sheep Gate close to the temple; you would not see them bring the horses for war through this gate; they had another gate for that, the Horse Gate. Why did it matter? It mattered because the Sheep Gate was consecrated and made holy by the priests and was used only for that unique purpose. How does this relate to us? You have gates in your life as well, i.e. you have tithes and offerings that you give sacrificially to the Lord, and you have prayer and God's Word that you use for fighting spiritual wars. Your tithe cannot replace prayer nor can prayer replace the tithe. They each have there own specific purpose, and in a sense, they are a gate around your temple, His dwelling place. Therefore, guard your gates!