"Hard Hats Required - Christians Under Construction"
52 days = 7 1/2 weeks = 1,248 hours = 74,880 minutes = 4,492,800 seconds. So, how do you re-build a wall around a city in that seemingly short time? That is what we are about to discover as we embark in the study of Nehemiah.
As we walk through the pages of scripture, may we also walk through the pages of our lives as we too, survey our walls and gates of disrepair. I challenged you today to join me and the rest of the class in a 52 day construction project. Please do not let this seem too overwhelming; wouldn't you think Nehemiah could have also turned away and said, "No way, too much for me to handle or think about!" It really does not matter if you have a goal per gate, but what does matter is that you seek the face of God and let the Holy Spirit reveal to you any area of needs some remodeling, or perhaps even needs removing. What better way to study this amazing piece of Israel's history than to also complete a task that last for 52 days.
Now, let's talk about another number - 104. That is how many of you have registered for this study. I want you to realize that when you grow tired, discouraged and weary, you have 103 others "next to you on the wall" also doing repairs "in front of their house." You can also know that you have a prayer warrior, the one we assigned you today, that will be your watchman on the wall as you do the work. Listen, we can do this together just like Israel did in 445 BC. There is something about community and commonality in purpose that inspires us to "do the work!"
Here is another number, 9-9-10, the date of yesterday's class. After I got home I looked at the Jewish calendar and found that starting sunset 9-8-10 to sunset, 9-9-10, was Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year's Day. It was a day of introspection and examination; how fitting as we go into this 52 day challenge. We will also come across this same festival season in our study, and you will gain much more insight into the relevance of the Feast of Trumpets and its importance to Israel. So, as you do some examining of your walls over the next three days, you are in a sense celebrating the Feast of Trumpets (tabernacles or booths) .
Jane and I realize that the first of any study is always the most challenging. We lose many students because they buy the lies that they can't do the work or don't have the time. Oh dear one, please don't miss this opportunity to work alongside 103 other believers as we all seek to rebuild the gates and walls of our lives. Inductive study, where YOU learn to do the work yourself, is more valuable that we as free Americans realize. Look at the note below from Mary Alice, Precept Bible teacher in Chowchilla California Women's Prison:
Look again for the number 104 - something to think about!
(This prison update comes from one our Precept leaders, Mary Alice, who goes into
Valley State Prison For Women. Chowchilla California -
Population 3,000 plus Largest women's prison in the world)
I received this yesterday, 9-9-10:
More than half my students are new to Precept Inductive Study. The "old-timers" (those who have studied Precept Upon Precept before) lined up to give testimony of what inductive study has meant to them. I must admit, I was beaming from ear to ear to hear how God had used these studies in the lives of these precious women, just like He's using it in my life! It's one thing to set the table, but when you see the hungry come and eat and enjoy the's just delightful!
Class time whizzed by, all 2 hours of it. The women were so excited to study and so thankful. They were blown away by the process of inductive study and how the message was so obvious when you let His word speak to you.
I did explain that if you missed 2 weeks, you would be removed from the class up through lesson 2. After that if you miss 2 weeks, you will be put on the waiting list for the next class. Boy did that cause a stir!!! I reminded them there are 104 women on the waiting list and they WANT to be here. I want to teach those who WANT to be taught.
I overheard the little newcomer on the front row say, "Wow, we're really blessed to be here! I'm not going to miss even when I have my wrist surgery!"
"If you are out due to things beyond your control, you are excused, dear, and it doesn't count against you," I reasoned.
She replied, "Well, I'm just not gonna take any chances to lose my place! I've been tryin' to get in here for 2 years!"
WOW! How humbling as we all get up each Thursday morning without a passing thought of concern of our "place in class." Oh dear friends, may be ever be mindful of the privilege to join corporately together over the most influential book of all times - God's Holy Word. I encourage you to read the instructions in the box above and just allow the Lord to stir your heart over these three days. Then, on Sunday evening, lay your goal sheet before the Lord, and covenant with Him and alongside 103 others to "do the work." Then, get up, put on your "hard hat" and lets become "Christians Under Construction!"
Laboring with you and by the power of the Holy Spirit,
Phil 1:6
"For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus."

Hey all:
ReplyDeletePost an update on your 52 Day CHallenge at the end of the letter post in the middle of this page. Looking forward to hearing how you all are doing - both the struggles and the successes!
September 13, 2010: DAY ONE:
ReplyDelete"...I asked them concerning the Jews who had escaped and had survived the captivity, and about Jerusalem. Nehemiah 1:2b
If we are going to rebuild broken down areas of our life, we must understand where repair begins.
Nehemiah was CONCERNED - he asked his brothers about the welfare of the people. Are you concerned about the state of your life? of others lives? of our nation? of our youth? of our churches?
Lord, give me a heart that grieves and hates what you hate. May I be a "Nehemiah" in my home, my community, my church, and my country. I want to be more that just a SURVIVOR! I want to THRIVE!
It's Day 3! How do we keep going? Nehemiah moved from concern to calling on His God. Let's look at how he called on God. I said, "I beseech You, O LORD God of heaven, the great and awesome God, who preserves the covenant and lovingkindness for those who love His and keep His commandments..." Nehemiah knew God's Character; he prayed according to who God was and what He was able to do -- NOT who Nehemiah was or his abilities as an ordinary man. IT"S NOT ABOUT US! Your ability to restore is based on who God is and His covenant promises. Always remember who's who in the zoo!
ReplyDeleteDay 4 of 52 Days
ReplyDeleteNow, let's look at another trait of this Nehemiah: we have seen concern - called on God - and he knew God's character and promises. He then moves into confession. Let Your ear now be attentive and Your eyes open to hear the prayer of Your servant which I am praying before You now, day and night, on behalf of the sons of Israel Your servants, confessing the sins of the sons of Israel which we have sinned against You; I and my father's house have sinned. Did you notice the pronouns he used? (I, we) A great leader identifies with the people, and this leader, also knew what had gotten them into this situation - SIN! May we always bow before our holy God and confess our sin BEFORE we begin the task at hand!