So, having done the first chapter - are you a lover who serves or a server who loves? Are you like Martha and have those first and second commandments out of order? I find myself battling this ALL of the time. The pleaser and mother in me wants to get the list checked off each day, and if I'm not careful, I look up and it's 3 pm and I still have not paused to even give the Lord a good morning.
How about Linda's definition of true worship?
"Worship is NOT a specific act. It is a lifestyle. Worship is a specific act of bowing my life and declaring, "Holy, holy, holy." Worship is also a lifestyle oif bowing my life and living, "holy, holy, holy." (p.27)
WOW! How many of us sit and have our little quiet time, and then mentally check Jesus off out list for the day. Not even realizing that our short tempered response to our child or husband shows we have NOT really worshiped at all. God desires our obedience; "To obey is better that sacrifice." A life of righteousness is a life that gives glory to whom they honor - and that is worship! DOXA - is the greek word for glory. What am I "doxaing" when I snap at my husband? It certainly isn't my Lord. We were created to give glory and worship to our Father. What we lost in Genesis 3, we have been seeking ever since - glory. The problem is we go to glory deficient people and try to receive what they cannot give. God alone is glorious and worthy to be praised!
So, what have you learned about worship this week? Blog a comment and may we all hold each other accountable to worship the One we were created to praise - not only through our bowing of our knees through songs and quiet time, but through our bowing of our life, through our actions!