Monday, September 27, 2010

If It Ain't Broke, Don't Fix It!

Nehemiah 3-5
Lesson 2
"If it Ain't Broke, Don't Fix It!"

Surely, you have heard the expression, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it," or "Let sleeping dogs lie," or "Never wake a sleeping baby." All say essentially the same thing - leave things that are working alone and concentrate on what really needs attention. A few months ago, I decided to not only clean out clutter from my home, but to also fix and repair anything that was broken in the house. I made a list as I cleaned each room and went to Wal-Mart and Home Depot seemingly hundreds of times. When the repairs were beyond me and Keith, I would make a list for my Dad to complete. After I had written several repairs on the list, he would come to my house for the day taking the items one by one. Of course, my Mother also came along as his "assistant;" they almost entirely built their camp house by themselves, so experience is not lacking on their part, however, I will say it is entertaining watching them do the work.

One of the jobs that should have only taken about 30 minutes, took a complete morning because as it turns out, we were trying to fix what was not broken. As my dad was installing the new fan and light fixture in my bedroom, he finally got to the last detail, putting in the light bulb. We turned on the switch and nothing came on. He took the light kit off again and checked the wiring - nothing. He then took the fan down and checked that wiring - nothing worked. Finally, we called a friend of ours who is an electrician, and he asked a had we checked the breaker switch, and some other details. And then he said, "Are you sure the light bulb works?" Wouldn't you know it, the bulb had been damaged during the installation, and we had wasted all of that time and effort trying to fix what was not broken!

Unlike our experience, Nehemiah was a leader who simply knew how to surmise what needed to be done and when it needed to be done. He exemplified many great leadership attributes as he lead the Israelites in a seemingly overwhelming task - the rebuilding of approximately 4 to 6 miles of stone walls and ten gates along with several towers. My commentary mentioned that there were 42 different areas mentioned that got repairs. Nehemiah's plan was well thought out because he had already prayed for months before he stepped one foot into the rubble and ruins of Jerusalem. This is just one of the many great qualities about him; here is the "C" wordlist again as we step back and look at this incredible leader:

Concerned about the ruins and the people (mourned, wept, fasted, and prayed for four months)
Called on God about the matter
Called on God's Character and Covenant
Confessed his and the nation's sin
Committed to the task (Asked God for success and compassion before the king)
Courageously stood before the King ( his courage was based on who his God was)
Called on God (Prayed as he spoke to the king)
Composed before the king and clearly requested what he needed
Cautiously began (he waited three days after he arrived and then quietly at night surveyed the damaged walls)
Challenged the people (simply told them about what God had done and that how His hand had been upon him)
Conflict refuted with Confidence in who his God was, NOT who he was
Commissioned the work within Cooperation and Community (all worked and worked together - "and next to him")
Commissioned the work within logical locations (started at the sheep gate and worked in front of their own house)
Conflict refuted with Calling on God (told His God about the enemies actions)
Commissioned the guards (set up a guard to protect the builders)
Calmed the people's fears (reminded the people of who their God was)
Credit to God (gave God the glory for frustrating the enemies plans)
Converged the builders, burden carriers, and the guards (all armed, ½ build while ½ guard)
Conveyed an emergency plan (trumpeter blows - all rally to the sound)
Credit to God (our God will fight for us!)
Commissioned shift work and "water break" rules
Confronted the sin of the people(faced the conflict from within and told them to STOP IT!)
Consulted with himself (calmed his anger before he contended with the nobles)
Contended with the nobles and the rulers
Called an assembly AGAINST the people
Conveyed why the usury against their brother was "scripturally" wrong
Called for an oath to be taken and issued a clear warning
Commanded by example (he had not taken pay, not burdened the people, and not gained from other's loss)
Called on God - "Remember me for good, according to all that I have done for this people"

And that's just chapters one through six! There's much more to learn as we continue through this saga.

And now - SO WHAT? Are you going to just sit back and admire all of those "C" qualities, or are you going to meditate on them and seek the Lord about what and how He would have you REBUILD? It has got to move from the page to the pavement! Why? Because conflict will come - your Lord Jesus warned you to expect trouble. So, are you going to face and refute the "ites" of this world like Nehemiah did? You must know and learn who your God is, and that He will fight for you as well. For your God can, "...whistle for the fly that is in the remotest part of the rivers of Egypt and for the bee that is in the land of Assyria." Is. 7:18 If He is sovereign over kings and kingdoms, He is certainly sovereign over your enemy and your circumstance. BUT... you still have to arise and do the work. Look back at the "C' list again and look at what Nehemiah had TO DO!!!! Yet, all the while, he rested on His God's sovereign, powerful, and strong hand!

So, if it ain't broke, don't fix it! But if is - arise and build! (But be sure to check the light bulb first!)

Laboring with you and through Him,

Phil 1:6

"For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus."

P.S. I plan to type of the list that Kay gave on the video when I get a chance. If any of you got the notes down in a good order, I would love to have a copy. Any takers?

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Surviver or Thriver?

Nehemiah 1-2
Lesson 1
"Survivor or Thriver?"

What do you do when the walls of life come crashing down? Do you just try to hold on; are you just getting by? You survived and that's it? There is a big difference in surviving something and thriving despite that something! The remnant of Israel had returned home and they were survivors, but they had not done anything about the rubble around them. Yes, they had rebuilt the temple and had tried once to rebuild the walls, but when opposition came, they stopped doing the work. So, they resided to just live in it. The walls were their defenses, and certainly, though physically destroyed, they were also representative of their destruction spiritually. Many of us simply accept mediocrity and step over and under the rubble of our lives each day. We have become use to it, though it is difficult, it is all we know. What does it take to restore ruins?

Today's lesson is the beginning of the answer to that question. As we look at Nehemiah, the man, and our great and awesome God, let's make a list and see what we can conclude.

Lived in a pagan society - in Susa
High official, trustworthy
A man of prayer
Knew God
Knew His Word, promises
Had a plan based on prayer and God’s Word
Prayed when fearful
Inspected the problem
Called the people to build
Refuted the mockers
Depended on God for success

The Lord
God of heaven
Great and awesome
Preserves covenant, keeps His promises
Hears and answers prayers
Scattered and gathers His people
Redeemed them
Great power
Strong hand
Gives success and compassion

As you look at the chart, let your eyes glean from left to right, as you think through the events of Nehemiah 1-2. We know it says in Pr. 21:1, "The king's heart is like channels of water in the hand of the LORD; He turns it wherever He wishes." We know God stirs the hearts of kings, even the pagan ones, to do His will; BUT we also see in this narrative how Nehemiah was responsible to pray, request, and arise to challenge the people to do the work. Once again, our lesson narrows down to these two truths. Last week, Louie Gigleo also explained these seemingly opposite truths. He placed his fist in the air and said this is you in the world, and Jesus says you will have trouble, but take heart, I have overcome the world. John 16:33. Louie went on to explain the hugeness of our God and His ultimate purposes for us, and that all works together to bring Him glory, and that He is painting on a canvas that is bigger and better than anything we can see or imagine. Both truths absolutely true running side by side. The book of Nehemiah depicts this so beautifully as you walk through the pages and see how you must respond to "distressing news," and on the other hand, trust that God is at all times sovereign and in control of the situation.

Now, for the added "W" to the 5 W's and the H - So what? How does knowing how Nehemiah responded to the news help you? Because we live in a fallen world where there is trouble and conflict (remember, expect it), you can follow the example of Nehemiah as you too get a bad report.

Here is Kay's nine truths you need to know in order to become a "Nehemiah."
1. Be aware of and have knowledge of the conditions of the people.
2. Have a heart that is touched from the situation. Ministries come from mourning (weeping, trials, etc)
3. Confess the transgressions that brought on the situation
4. Believe that God will ever remain to be God during the situation. He is a covenant keeping God.
5. Assess the situation on your knees and face before God.
6. Be a woman or man of God that knows how to handle fear. Take it to your knees and stand on who God is!
7. Be a woman or man of God that knows when to share God's will to others. Nehemiah had already made a plan through prayer, and when given the right time and place, he made his requests known to the king. He did the same thing when he returned to Jerusalem; he waited until he had surveyed the ruins and then he challenged the people.
8. Learn to discern the wiles of others. Listen to the leaning of the Holy Spirit regarding your enemies.(remember to expect them)
9. Know that ONLY God can give success! Nehemiah constantly gave God the credit; he specifically prayed for success before the king, he refuted the enemies with the statement that God would bring them success. He at two different times stated that the good hand of God was upon him.

The power of one is far greater than we stop to consider. Nehemiah, Ezra, Esther, Haggai, and on and on. One person making a difference, leaving a legacy of FAITH! Will you? Have you just survived? What will your children or your grand children remember about you? Do you think they will look up and admire the fact that you survived struggles or that you thrived despite the struggles? Look around your life today? Can you even pass through your gates? Don't settle - arise and re-build, for the good hand of God is upon you!

Laboring with you and through Him,

Phil 1:6

"For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus."

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Hard Hats Required-Christians Under Construction

"Hard Hats Required - Christians Under Construction"

52 days = 7 1/2 weeks = 1,248 hours = 74,880 minutes = 4,492,800 seconds. So, how do you re-build a wall around a city in that seemingly short time? That is what we are about to discover as we embark in the study of Nehemiah.

As we walk through the pages of scripture, may we also walk through the pages of our lives as we too, survey our walls and gates of disrepair. I challenged you today to join me and the rest of the class in a 52 day construction project. Please do not let this seem too overwhelming; wouldn't you think Nehemiah could have also turned away and said, "No way, too much for me to handle or think about!" It really does not matter if you have a goal per gate, but what does matter is that you seek the face of God and let the Holy Spirit reveal to you any area of needs some remodeling, or perhaps even needs removing. What better way to study this amazing piece of Israel's history than to also complete a task that last for 52 days.

Now, let's talk about another number - 104. That is how many of you have registered for this study. I want you to realize that when you grow tired, discouraged and weary, you have 103 others "next to you on the wall" also doing repairs "in front of their house." You can also know that you have a prayer warrior, the one we assigned you today, that will be your watchman on the wall as you do the work. Listen, we can do this together just like Israel did in 445 BC. There is something about community and commonality in purpose that inspires us to "do the work!"

Here is another number, 9-9-10, the date of yesterday's class. After I got home I looked at the Jewish calendar and found that starting sunset 9-8-10 to sunset, 9-9-10, was Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year's Day. It was a day of introspection and examination; how fitting as we go into this 52 day challenge. We will also come across this same festival season in our study, and you will gain much more insight into the relevance of the Feast of Trumpets and its importance to Israel. So, as you do some examining of your walls over the next three days, you are in a sense celebrating the Feast of Trumpets (tabernacles or booths) .

Jane and I realize that the first of any study is always the most challenging. We lose many students because they buy the lies that they can't do the work or don't have the time. Oh dear one, please don't miss this opportunity to work alongside 103 other believers as we all seek to rebuild the gates and walls of our lives. Inductive study, where YOU learn to do the work yourself, is more valuable that we as free Americans realize. Look at the note below from Mary Alice, Precept Bible teacher in Chowchilla California Women's Prison:

Look again for the number 104 - something to think about!

(This prison update comes from one our Precept leaders, Mary Alice, who goes into
Valley State Prison For Women. Chowchilla California -
Population 3,000 plus Largest women's prison in the world)

I received this yesterday, 9-9-10:
More than half my students are new to Precept Inductive Study. The "old-timers" (those who have studied Precept Upon Precept before) lined up to give testimony of what inductive study has meant to them. I must admit, I was beaming from ear to ear to hear how God had used these studies in the lives of these precious women, just like He's using it in my life! It's one thing to set the table, but when you see the hungry come and eat and enjoy the's just delightful!

Class time whizzed by, all 2 hours of it. The women were so excited to study and so thankful. They were blown away by the process of inductive study and how the message was so obvious when you let His word speak to you.

I did explain that if you missed 2 weeks, you would be removed from the class up through lesson 2. After that if you miss 2 weeks, you will be put on the waiting list for the next class. Boy did that cause a stir!!! I reminded them there are 104 women on the waiting list and they WANT to be here. I want to teach those who WANT to be taught.

I overheard the little newcomer on the front row say, "Wow, we're really blessed to be here! I'm not going to miss even when I have my wrist surgery!"

"If you are out due to things beyond your control, you are excused, dear, and it doesn't count against you," I reasoned.

She replied, "Well, I'm just not gonna take any chances to lose my place! I've been tryin' to get in here for 2 years!"

WOW! How humbling as we all get up each Thursday morning without a passing thought of concern of our "place in class." Oh dear friends, may be ever be mindful of the privilege to join corporately together over the most influential book of all times - God's Holy Word. I encourage you to read the instructions in the box above and just allow the Lord to stir your heart over these three days. Then, on Sunday evening, lay your goal sheet before the Lord, and covenant with Him and alongside 103 others to "do the work." Then, get up, put on your "hard hat" and lets become "Christians Under Construction!"

Laboring with you and by the power of the Holy Spirit,

Phil 1:6
"For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus."