Lesson 3
Dear Thursday Class:
I am sure you all remember the demonstrative Rolaids' commercial years ago that coined the phrase, "How do you spell relief? R-O-L-A-I-D-S = Relief! I suppose, if your only problem is a little heartburn, that would suffice, but if you are suffering from the everyday woes and pains of living in a fallen world, we need a lot more than a few Rolaids! We need more than temporary relief - we need release! Jesus did not suffer and die for us to be relieved of the pain and sting of death, He died and rose again for us to be RELEASED from captivity and live as free men and women of God. Freedom from the punishment of breaking the law, and freedom from the power of sin. You see, for many of us, the problem is we claim the benefits of Jesus' death and resurrection and our future with Him in heaven, but we have failed to claim what His work accomplished for us TODAY! We have been set free! Nonetheless, many of us sit in an unlocked and unchained jail cell and refuse to get up and walk out. Even our prayers scream for relief and not release. Abundant and content life in Christ passes us by as we anxiously make it through another day just trying to get by on the prison rations.
What a sad way for us to live - prisoners in an unlocked cell with a toilet and sink in the corner and cold food served on a metal tray. Listen, you are a child of the Risen King of Kings, which means you are in the royal family of God. Your jailer, Satan, wants you to believe his lies - you don't deserve it - they have treated you badly, don't forgive - stay disappointed and discouraged because your expectations were not met - keep on trying to control and living in fear - don't trust anyone - become cynical and callous - etc. and etc. Yes, there they are again - the Deadly D's. Isn't it interesting that the downward spiral of sin starts in the mind, and most of the time with a disappointment, and then comes discouragement, and then comes despair, then doubt, then disbelief, then distraction, then double-mindedness - all in our minds. Then this wrong thinking leads us to wrong actions: dishonesty - deceit - dullness - deadness - delay - discord - defilement - defame and disobedience. And it all started with disappointment. Listen, if we don't learn to put our hope and trust in God alone, we will continually live a life of disappointments that lead us downward again and again. Yet, if I can mature and learn to see others through God's eyes, I can quickly take myself and my flesh out of the picture and avoid letting the disappointment spiral down into sin.
Example: Let's say that in the morning I get up and Keith says something to me that is short tempered and hurts my feelings, and I am disappointed in how he treated me. I then have a choice: I can stay in the jail cell, be disappointed, hurt, angry, discouraged, doubt, etc. Or, I can love Keith with God's agape love - perfect, unconditional love. The flesh is moved out and the indwelling Spirit takes charge, and I step out of the cell into freedom. Freedom because Keith is not mine, and I trust God to discipline him, IT"S NOT MY JOB! Therefore, I can now rest and go off duty. I am NOT the Holy Spirit, but the Holy Spirit in me sets me free and allows me to be RELEASED!
Here are some other key truths from the lesson:
- God is not interested in just adjusting our lives. He wants us transformed.
- A good idea is not always a God idea.
- You can be guilty of doing the right thing the wrong way.
- A healthy fear of God causes me to run to Him, be blessed by Him, gain His favor, and gives me wisdom.
- An unhealthy fear STALLS-PARALYZES my FAITH! It causes me to run from Him, doubt Him, and His goodness.
- When God sometimes stops us from doing something for Him - what might He be trying to teach or show us?
He might want to do something in or for us! - Beware lest we become offended as we look at others lives and compare.
- Rather than become jealous or angry, David responded with joy and hope when he realized that Obed's house was blessed because of the ark's presence.
- Therefore, as we look at other's may we cry out glory to God for the great things He has done; rather than envy, seek His presence as David did.
- When I reach a crossroad of distress in this life … (I am working on memorizing these)
I will Remember…
The Lord is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble. And He knows those who take refuge in Him.
(Nahum 1:7)
The Lord is slow to anger, but great in power, but He will by no means leave the guilty unpunished.
(Nahum 1:3a)
What I will Do…
“But as for me, I will watch expectantly for the Lord, I will wait on the God of my salvation. My God will hear me. Do not rejoice over me, O my enemy. Though I fall, I will rise. Though I dwell in darkness, the Lord is a light to me. (Micah 7:7-8)
I will stand on my guard post. I will station myself on the rampart. And I will keep watch to see what He will speak to me. (Hab. 2:1)
Even though…
… the fig tree should not blossom.
And there be no fruit on the vine.
Though the yield of the olive should fail.
And the fields produce no food.
Though the flock be cut off from the fold,
And there be no cattle in the stalls.
Because I know…The righteous man will live by faith. (Hab. 2:4) not by sight. If it was seen it would not be faith –
because faith is the assurance of things hoped for and the conviction of things unseen. (Heb. 11:1)
And I know The Lord is in His Holy Temple ...(Hab. 2:20a)
Therefore ...I will exult in the Lord.
I will rejoice in God of my salvation.
The Lord God is my strength.
And He has made my feet like hinds feet and has made me to walk on my high places. (Hab 3:17-19)
so…let all of the earth be silent before Him (Hab.2:20b)
He is our Ebenezer stone = our Thus Far God that has helped us
He is also our This Far God that has brought us, kicking and screaming, laughing and crying, angry and fearful. He is patient toward us and His goodness and lovingkindness are everlasting.
Who am I Oh Lord God, and what is my house, that Thou hast brought me THIS FAR! 2 Sam 7:18b
Dear Lord, as I stop and reflect over my life and realize that You are my THUS FAR and THIS FAR God, may I ever be mindful that my ultimate purpose in this world is to bring glory and honor to YOU. May my life, scream GLORY to God, as Your presence consumes and transforms me. Lord I want more than an adjustment - I want more than relief - I want RELEASE!
In Jesus' name,